It's sickening how underrated Lord of Light is

I believe that glorifying satan is not innocent, no matter which way you pull it off.
I don't think the writers see it as glorifying Satan, any more than they see the chorus of The Number of the Beast doing the same thing. If a single person has decided to worship Satan because of this song, I will eat my hat. Note that I may purchase one of those nacho dip hats for the occasion, but I will consume it!

How do you handle the other songs on AMOLAD and other albums that directly question Christian mythos, then?
I love Iron Maiden but I can't deny they promote occult stuff (most of the time) and sometimes satanist stuff (like Lord of Light). None of this stuff actively makes listeners worship satan but it is planting ideas in your head that this type of stuff is 'ok'. If you look around popular media like movies, music and videogames, occult and satanist ideas and symbols are everywhere.
It is OK.

If you look around popular media like movies, music and videogames, occult and satanist ideas and symbols are everywhere.
Do you know what you see more of? Christian iconography. Now I'm not going to suggest what's worse or better, but they're both out there, and they have the same effect. To make people think that it's ok.
No we're not seeing 'more' Christian iconography in movies music and videogames. You know the eye symbol is everywhere you look at now.
The Eye of Horus is not the Eye of Providence. Eyes are in hundreds of religions worldwide, but the All-Seeing Eye, very specifically, is used in Christian iconography from the Middle Ages. The three-sided Eye from the US 1 Dollar Bill originated as a representation of the Holy Trinity.

Riddle me this: Egyptian or Christian?