ISIS Thread

Yes. Still, they are dumb people destroying heritage. That's imo the same. But I get the difference. But the archeological discovery topic or another would've been better.
I find both ISIS and the hippies dumb for destroying the heritage. Doing it on purpose is dumb. Not knowing it is also dumb. Thank you for understanding.
Jon Stewart recently addressed the things we've debated over in this thread for a long time. Pretty much identical to what I had been saying for a while, but in a more fun way.

Busy day

French officials suspect terrorism in an attack on an American gas factory in Grenoble that left one person decapitated and several others injured. The AP reports the head of the victim was found on a gate at the factory entrance. Local news reports say one of two attackers was carrying an ISIS flag. A vehicle was driven toward the site, which is owned by Air Products, a U.S.-based industrial gases technology company, and “two individuals deliberately rammed a car into the gas containers to trigger an explosion,” a police source told Reuters. Local newspaper Le Dauphine reported that the head of the victim was covered in Arabic script. French president Francois Hollande confirmed that a man suspected of carrying out the attack has been arrested.


At least 27 people, including foreign tourists, were killed when at least one gunman opened fire on a Tunisian beachside hotel in the popular resort of Sousse on Friday, an interior ministry spokesman said.

Police were still clearing the area around the Imperial Marhaba hotel and the body of one gunman lay at the scene with a Kalashnikov assault rifle after he was shot in an exchange of gunfire, a security source at the scene said.


(CNN)An apparent bomb blast tore through a mosque in Kuwait's capital during Friday prayers, killing and injuring several worshippers, state media reported.

ISIS claimed responsibility for what it called a suicide bombing at the Shiite-affiliated Al-Sadiq mosque. The group put the number of dead and injured in the dozens.
Islamic State beheads female civilians for first time in Syria for 'sorcery':

The hardline Islamic State group has beheaded two women in Syria, the first time it has decapitated female civilians, the founder of a group monitoring the war said on Tuesday.

The beheadings took place in the eastern Deir al-Zor province this week said Rami Abdulrahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which tracks the conflict using sources on the ground.

Islamic State also "crucified" five men in al-Mayadeen for eating during daylight hours of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan

One of the women was beheaded along with her husband in Deir al-Zor city. In al-Mayadeen city to the south east, the group beheaded another woman and her husband. All of them were accused of sorcery, the monitor said.

Islamic State has beheaded local and foreign men in Syria, including enemy combatants, aid workers and journalists as well as people it has deemed as violating its hardline interpretation of Islamic law.

Several of the group's female captives have been stoned to death previously after being accused of adultery and other offences. This is the first time it was reported to have beheaded female civilians.

Islamic State also "crucified" five men in al-Mayadeen for eating during daylight hours of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, the Observatory said.

They were hung up by their limbs on the city wall and children were encouraged to mock them as they suffered, it added.

Activists say Islamic State uses such public punishments in areas where it is present to control the local population through coercion and fear.
A meeting of a socialist group in Suruç in the Turkish city of Şanlıurfa has been attacked by a human bomb, resulting in 29 deaths as of now. Almost certainly linked to ISIS. This means that the fight between ISIS and PYD/YPG has officially spread to Turkey. The group was planning on reading a declaration about rebuilding the city of Kobane, which is only 10 kms away from Suruç, on the other side of the border.

Death toll might increase. News are quite recent, I'll keep posting in case of new information.
Since the Kurds have been making progress vs IS, your government has been screaming harder and harder that the Kurds are also terrorists and that they might be a bigger threat than IS.

However bad this assault was, let's hope it has opened some eyes. I don't expect much beyond increased border control, but let's see if the propaganda nonsense changes somewhat.
I could have phrased it better, yes. First and foremost, this was a terrible assault.

It certainly was terrible (along with the recent assault in Iraq that killed nearly 100) they are certainly a threat and borders mean nothing. I would not be surprised to see more and more of this and creeping more and more into Europe.
Since the Kurds have been making progress vs IS, your government has been screaming harder and harder that the Kurds are also terrorists and that they might be a bigger threat than IS.

However bad this assault was, let's hope it has opened some eyes. I don't expect much beyond increased border control, but let's see if the propaganda nonsense changes somewhat.

Know your place and time to post comments. This isn't no outsider talk, this thing happened in the COUNTRY THAT I LIVE IN. My people died there, we're in a grieving stage. You should have had the decency to stop the political game for a while, at least when you're talking to a person that lives right next to hell.

You already know that I bash our government and have said that they're responsible to a certain degree in ISIS' strength, what do you expect me to say? Do you want me to throw my country under the bus because our government fucked up? You already made your ignorance towards the Kurdish nationalist terror in the country clear before. Heads up: Assaults like this have happened shitloads of times before here. Prepared by PKK.

Both terrorists are dangerous to this country. You might not feel like it because PKK has nothing to do with you, but they are. I lost distant relatives to PKK terror. At least have the decency not to turn this into 'ISIS is worse than PKK' tirade.

Our government fucked up big time with their Syria policy. They deserve any kind of bashing. But we cannot afford to get into the war in Syria. Any person who's familiar with the territory would tell you the same thing. Here's what we actually can do:

1. Strenghten the Syrian border. (Already was in the progress. Probably a big reason why ISIS attacked a place on the Turkish side)
2. Make sure ISIS fighters cannot find anything to their benefit on our side of the border. Healthcare, arms and what have you.
3. Change the Anti-Assad policy.
4. Be sure to spot ISIS activity inside the border and don't let another tragedy happen.
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Do you expect me to calm down after reading posts like yours. My attitude is partly shaped because of your tone.

You don't have to react. This is what I think. I still stand by my opinion. I hope it opens more eyes. This is what's really going on at the moment.

It's not just me: foreign journalists have reported intensifying of the anti-Kurd propaganda. Because it is related to this issue. It is a political game. Your goverment is playing it. Many people, including many Kurds outside your country, wonder what the government will do. Both propaganda wise and measurements vs IS.

A 5th measurement:
5. Tone down the anti-Kurd propaganda, because they are already suffering enough. And the bombing happened in their community.
Foro, this is exactly what I meant with 'tactless'. I'm not surprised to the least in Flash's response.
To elaborate on this a bit, and to Foro first:

A terrible attack happened in the country Flash is from and posts from. That, in itself, already warrants at least some sort of respect in dealing with it. Why? Because civilised human interaction forbids offending and insulting people, no matter what country they are from.

Flash is not Turkey and not the Turkish government. By saying your government and your country repeatedly, this distinction however is diminished. It sounds accusing. It sounds like Flash is being made responsible for whatever Turkey does, whatever happens to Turkey, and that he had all this coming. This is not the case. As far as I know, Flash did not vote for the current government, and he never harmed a Kurd. Hence, Flash is the wrong address here.

Flash, however, is a Turk. Hence, he has a different view on these matters than all the rest of us who are not from Turkey do. This is something that needs to be respected. Foro, you know the events that are happening in Turkey from the evening news. Flash knows them because these events are happening to him. Can you imagine what it feels like to have somebody from the outside, with no affiliation to your country, your environment and your reality whatsoever, to come and hold the preaching finger and say "you had it coming because my evening news told me so"?

Turkey is threatened by war. To us in Europe, war means sending a few planes abroad, being shocked that a soldier of ours dies there and figuring out how to deal with the few refugees that made it as far as our countries. Turkey, on the other hand, is at the front. If it goes to war with IS, it means fighting will be inside their country. You may think that Turkey should do that, you're entitled to that, but at the very least, try to understand why people like Flash are not exactly excited by that idea.

Now, as Flash said, he has lost relatives to Kurdish terrorists. This, again, is something that we don't understand if we don't live it. But at least try to imagine what it may feel like to him if somebody who knows about the Kurds only from the evening news comes to him and takes up the Kurdish cause. The Kurds are not all innocent lambs. They don't deserve what IS is doing to them, but a person is not a pure, innocent victim just by merit of being a Kurd. Now, you are again entitled to think that the Kurds have the right to fight against oppression - and I agree - and that part of this oppression is coming from the Turkish state, and again I agree. But Flash is not the Turkish state. And I also don't believe that killing innocent people just because they're Turkish is the right thing for the Kurds to do. But that's a different discussion.

And now to Flash:
Regarding all this, I think you should still give Foro the benefit of doubt that he didn't mean to offend you in person. I know that's hard, but just as I ask Foro to at least try and see things from your point of view, I would ask you the same. Fact is, Foro does only know these things from the news, and to him it is outsider talk. To Foro, the Kurdish cause is important, and he sometimes posts things in what he calls a 'sharp' manner. But it's not like he's a robot - see this post.

And now, I'm going to make this absolutely clear: I'm not going to tolerate any further fighting in this thread. I ask both of you, both Foro and Flash, to keep this up in a civilised manner. In fact, I'm going to make this rule here: Neither Foro nor Flash are allowed to make one further post addressed at the other in this thread that uses the word "you". I know this sounds odd, but right now that's the only way I can see this moving away from a personal level. For every "you" either side uses, they will be banned from replying to this thread for 24 hours. Exceptions will only be made in quotes or in portions of the posts addressing other members. No "you" from Flash to Foro and no "you" from Foro to Flash. No "generic you" either. Not even in figure of speech. Not at all.
I am at a bit of a loss here. I took "your government" to mean the "the government of the country you live in" . So far as I know, no one here is the leader of any country.

I got "your government-ed" several times in the thread about the Iran nuke "deal" and took it to mean that.

Maybe I am missing something here.