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Totally worth staying up untill 6am to watch. One word describes that performance: special. My guess over 200k people, Maiden on fire. I cant wait to get my hands on a BluRay copy of this show, official or unofficial. Its safe to say all the other headliners, you Beyonces, Muse, Timberlake, Metallica, Jovi, Springstein. They were nothing compared to what we just witnessed for those who watched that stream. The crowd was special, the performance was special and for once the guy running the cameras did a good job.
I caught about the last third, it was great! Bruce seemed crazier than usual, which was fantastic. The energy is just impossible.

Can't wait to watch the whole thing!
What a great performance! Bruce was on fire... as was Mr. Adrian Smith! Noticed that Nicko's playing seemed a bit bland and/or skittish in places, but I guess they're playing everything slower now so he's probably just trying not to get too carried away.
By the time the band settled into The Prisoner, I could tell this was gonna be special. Seventh Son was bonkers good, what a fucking amazing job they did on the ending sections in particular! ATSS was fantastic as well, in fact I think that was the standout track for me! Great crowd participation.
I am a little disappointed they didn't do a surprise 2nd encore like RiR 2011, but oh well. Great show all around, and Bruce and Dave in particular seemed to really be enjoying themselves.
Well, my dad and I didn't make it to our show, but we ended up catching the Maiden show and that was WAY BEYOND AMAZING!!! The camera work was really good and the sound quality was sweet too. Better than the Download show.
The way Bruce sang Afraid To Shoot gave me a whole new love for the song. I'll definitely be listening to that version a lot! Also, this was the closest I'll ever come to seeing my most favorite vocal performance, Aces High performed live so that was super extra special to see that!
This was certainly the best gig I've never been to. The band was on fire, and they all seemed to be into it. I guess Adrian wowed me the most, but it was a close call between all of them, except maybe Nicko. But how tight they were!
Highlights were Phantom, which is currently my favourite song anyway, Seventh Son, which gave me the chills so much I was actually freezing, and The Trooper.
A great way to start the week, and sharing it with a bunch of great people in the chat is the next best to the real thing.
I'm still beaming from last night! Totally amazing. If just seeing them on live stream was this great, seein them in person is going to be way beyond phenomenal. And I'm glad I got to spend it with some awesome people too!
How soon do you guys think it will show up on YouTube? Today, or later?!? Such an awesome performance that I'd watch it on YouTube everyday until they sell the official bluray (fingers crossed)!
How soon do you guys think it will show up on YouTube? Today, or later?!? Such an awesome performance that I'd watch it on YouTube everyday until they sell the official bluray (fingers crossed)!

If it wouldn't be, I wouldn't complain if we got a situation like The Early Days tour. There wasn't an official release of the concert, but such an amazing pro-shot live broadcast that I in my mind count that as a fully qualified unofficial, documented full show of that tour.
Only the left channel is audible, unfortunately. Hopefully a decent recording will be uploaded soon. Thanks for the link anyway!
Yeah... But you can still hear the sound engineer changing the mix around during the first minute of Moonchild (I didn't bother watching after that). I wonder if it was better than at the Zagreb show I visited this year.
That's how it was live.
Moonchild didn't start off sounding great but it got better after. I'll admit, the sound as a whole could have been better for the live stream but at least you could hear everything
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