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Saw Maiden for the first time two days ago! I had already seen the setlist so no real surprises, though I had forgotten one song. Great crowd too. Not going to list any highlights, for a first timer pretty much everything is one.
Congratulations ! You will certainly be able to see them a couple times again before they retire.
What has everyone here who's attended a show thought about the sound quality?
I've seen a lot of complaints on numerous websites, most of which say that the guitar sounds are a bit low in the mix or indistinct.
This guy in Sweden filmed the entire show, for those interested. This is part one:

The sound is not great, but it's also cell phone footage.
From Download 2013
Definitely the best version I've heard of it
Definitely im again in love again with Iron Maiden, im searching bootlegs ,pics etc of all tours.It really makes me feel good this way.Dont say that ive lost love in certain point,but now IVE GOT THE FEVER!

Amazing performance btw,the band its really on fire at donington and its obvius that its not another gig like Bruce said,its special.
The last 2 paragraphs were either badly mistranslated or the reviewer had no idea of what he was seeing.

The English wasn't top-notch, and evidently, the author doesn't know words such as "backdrop". But the only real error I can see is
the mention of Eddie as a "dead pirate"; obviously, the author doesn't know what a late 19th century US cavalry uniform looks like, or had no idea what the lyrics of Run to the Hills are about.
I went to the Zagreb, Croatia show yesterday and the horrible sound quality just ruined the show for me. From start to finish, the guitars were barely audible, they were just a muddy clusterfuck of noise, basically. To illustrate, I only realized they were playing 2MTM when the entire band joined in, the intro on the guitar was incomprehensible. I was standing roughly in the middle of the floor area. The show itself was spectacular, the two giant Eddies were awesome, but what's the point when I couldn't enjoy the band's performance.
I've decided not to watch Maiden play outdoors again as, apart from Sonisphere '10, the sound has been a pretty big issue.

Was the Zagreb show indoors though, Ranko? Won't be impressed if the sound is crap on Saturday after Donington being so poor...
Yes, the show was indoors. :/ I've been reading online comments about the Zagreb gig, about 75% of the people are complaining about the sound quality. I'm not going near that venue again. This was my 10th Maiden gig and I don't remember the sound being that dreadful, ever.

By the way, is Doug Hall still the front-of-house sound engineer or have they changed him?
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Funny reply, but in Forostar's defense, Brigantium did state (right after my first post) that the sound quality was an issue during several shows of this tour.
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