Dunno, when I played the top 10 in a row, Infinite Dreams and Rime really sounded top-league.
Relatively there's more repetition in Hallowed and Paschendale. That's because Rime has way more
- differents parts
- different rhythms
- different tempos and
- different moods than those other songs.
I like the adventurous nature of this song. The "and then down in falls comes the raaaaiiiinn" part (and the minute before and the minutes after that) is excellent, very suspenseful. What a climax. And if that isn't enough those awesome solos come on top of that. One of the better Adrian Smith solos. The gear shifting, back to the first tempo makes the feast complete. Heavy as fuck, great as hell, from start to finish, Maiden's greatest epic. Also, this song contains some of Arry's best bass lines and the song is full of boneslashing guitar riffs.
I beg to differ. I actually think that the sheer beauty of Infinite Dreams ranks above most of the others. This song probably contains the best vocal melodies of all Maiden songs. Also, when it comes to the guitars, this one is really special. Sublime teamwork. Notice the subtle additions by Adrian, during Bruce's singing.