Brazilian Benjamin Breeg
Educated Fool
How on earth hadn't some crazy graphic designer Maiden fan redone the DOD cover from scratch yet? Or even placed the so-called "textures" that Steve ignored?
How on earth hadn't some crazy graphic designer Maiden fan redone the DOD cover from scratch yet? Or even placed the so-called "textures" that Steve ignored?
17:00 Azores time (Portugal)
Would you like to kill some time by doing our personal top 5/ranking of the new era studio album covers? I'll start
1. BNW
2. TFF
5. DOD
... Hoping IM17's album cover will take the first place!
Rod fires up Cease and Desist machine...Seems interestingAnd this:
They try to connect themselves to Maiden campaign?
It's almost sad we haven't got any fake track lists or anything. With the social media being even more prominent than in 2015, not to even mention 2010, the Wikipedia joke edits aren't really a thing. No Murky Space Race anymore...
The idea is we're ranking the album cover artwork.....but that's ok tooHeres one from me:
1.BNW (Solid AF)
2.DOD (Had some good songs, some ok ones, and 2 bad ones)
3.TFF (Some experimentation, I like)
4.AMOLAD (Boring AF and fatiguing album, every song feels the same)
5.BOS (The only good songs have Dickinson writing credit)
interesting. Maybe its a scene of Eddie's funeral, but then again....a couple of days laterI belive that on this album Eddie will not be on cover.