Iron Maiden studio album 17 rumours and speculations

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I know and hope that this is about the new album (it never even crossed my mind that it could be anything else), but I'll be damned and what else I don't even know yet, if this turns to out to be something entirely else.
So, this is me tomorrow (all the time start to look more and more Onslow) when the announcement starts:
I'm almost sure this BQOBD reference it's actually nothing, they just threw it in there as a cool easter egg and so crazy people like us will spend hours thinking about what it means.
I think it must have been some extra one thrown in, just to make us little bit more messed up.
There must be some people in Maiden Towers looking the comments and Bruce having that manical laughter..I can so imagine them doing this whole thing.
Well now it's become TWOTW:

(Apologies if someone already posted this I'm at work and need to be fast)
I'm almost sure this BQOBD reference it's actually nothing, they just threw it in there as a cool easter egg and so crazy people like us will spend hours thinking about what it means.
We were looking for a Seventh Son sequel when it was a FOTD sequel the whole time.
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