I think we will hear Iron Maiden, Run to the Hills, The Number of the Beast, The Trooper, Revelations, 2 Minutes to Midnight, The Evil That Men Do, Fear of the Dark and hopefully Hallowed Be Thy Name. Maybe a surprise as well.
I know it's their hit songs , but i want something different - Judas Be My Guide would be great surprise and it is a fantastic song , one of the best songs on Fear album , I quite like it ! More songs from the 90's will be great since they only play Fear of the Dark from all of the 4 albums of the 90's !
Iron Maiden the song, always will be on the setlist , but I don't like this song. Maybe if it has a solo on it , it will be better.
I think Number and Trooper must be on every setlist , because is 2 of their best hit songs. I know both have been played over and over the years , but also i must say, if the tour is about greatest hits like Givme Ed tour , these two songs must be on the set !
I'll be very surprising if Run to the Hills made it to the set . It's quite hard for Bruce to sing now , and the ''cancer'' thing, not only that , they don't play it on the album tours anymore !!! Steve and Adrian will be doing the backing vocals but , it's a fantastic song and deserve it to be on the setlist.
The only song I personally think Bruce don't do well nowadays is Aces High. Maybe if it is the 1st song on the set it will be different.
It seems that Revelations is a favorite song for the band to play on recent years , but I think if it has to be choose form the Piece of Mind -> Flight of Icarus . That's a monumental song and the last time they performe it live was 1986

More songs from the 2000's albums will be great , for sure - from Brave New World - that's my favorite Maiden album and hase some great classics for the band !
2 Minutes to Midnight -> that is a ''must'' song if they do greatest hits . I will be very happy to see it returns to the setlist.
The Evil That Men Do is in my top 5 , if not 5 , top 10 songs from Maiden , and for me has to be on every setlsit !
Fear of the Dark is always be on the setlist , it is a fan favorite and for me a fantastic song.
I hope they deal the lawsuit and Hallowed return to the set , It is their best song (best song of all time) and nowadays is very hard at least from 2012 for Bruce to sing.
I think I don't wanna hear more from Wrathchild . One of my favorites , but on The Book of Souls tour 2017 , I think they should do, to say No Prayer for the Dying the song , which is superb instead of Wrathchild - enough of it.
And more songs from Fear album would be great - Judas,Childhood's,Be Quick,From Here,Afraid,Chains of Misery (good song) and Wasting Love - that's the best power-ballad from Maiden and a great song. I love this song
And all this songs you mention has been played during Maiden England tour 2012-2014 !
It is a ''must'' to be played rare songs - for the band , to not copy themselves.