Iron Maiden studio album 17 rumours and speculations

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Costco should sell San Pellegrino. This I can confirm. In fact it's sold at most major grocery stores. Fucking Walmart has them.
BTW, is S. Pellegrino a very common water in the US? In the UK, it seems to be one of the top sellers. But in the US, is it one of them?

(Since the S. Pellegrino website is useless).
BTW, is S. Pellegrino a very common water in the US? In the UK, it seems to be one of the top sellers. But in the US, is it one of them?
It's pretty popular, they're still gaining popularity. I have one every day.
Deer Park and Poland Spring, most the others are iffy. There was a cool brand I found a while ago, but they went to shit.
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