IRON MAIDEN REFERENDUM 2020: Results -> Hallowed Be Thy Name wins for the 5th time!

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Eliminated after Round 35:
Killers - 15 votes
For The Greater Good Of God - 12 votes
Fear Of The Dark - 11 votes
If Eternity Should Fail - 10 votes

9 voters in and every song save for 2 has at least 1 vote. It just goes to show how varied opinions can be on what truly constitutes Maiden's greatest work.
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I haven't actively thought about a personal Top 10 in quite the while but Id say it could easily be made up from whats still in. Although Killers and Running Free are big misses, for me.
Theres 4 of those songs I havent seen live. Id say there are some on here that jave seen em all bar one or 2.
1000 Suns
Wasted Years
A vote against Hallowed, interesting. Would you care to explain? I think I voted against Hallowed in a previous Survivor, mostly because I find that the recorded version isn't a patch on any official live version but I could easily see myself not voting for it because I know how good it is live.
A vote against Hallowed, interesting. Would you care to explain? I think I voted against Hallowed in a previous Survivor, mostly because I find that the recorded version isn't a patch on any official live version but I could easily see myself not voting for it because I know how good it is live.
It’s very hard to pick songs to vote for at this stage, and I’m against Hallowed winning overall (Rime, please). Hence I’m voting for it now.
Tactical mayhem. Hard to dispute the logic. I'll bet its still there come the end.
I couldn't complain about either 2 winning. I have my "underrated gem" favourites like everyone else but at the end of the day, Rime and Hallowed are both pinnacles of a genre. Id say Hallowed is a more accessible, day-to-day tune though. I never get bored. Sometimes I cant be arsed with the middle section of Rime. Phantom is probably number 1 for me thee days. Its everything I love about the band and the genre and has such an energetic, unpolished (although technically brilliant) feel.
I don’t care for Hallowed much. It’s a great song but I never really saw what gave it the status it currently has. Number of the Beast, Phantom of the Opera, Remember Tomorrow, all better songs from that early period.
Thats interesting. Id say its status is due to how it goes over live, its so well arranged, theres no dip in audience involvement throughout.