Iron Maiden Picture Game

The song we are looking for is one of three Maiden songs which Blaze still keeps in his regular solo set.

(Edit: up to the end of the last tour, as it looks like he may be introducing a couple more for "COS" :))

Remember that one of these three has already been ruled out ;)
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Okay kids, lets sit back and review the really important information:

Clue 1:

Clue 2: what do the pirates want to do, in that scene? (watch the video if you are unsure: which also includes a clue to the singer of this song)

Clue 3: apart from the line described by the picture, the song in question has no connection with seafaring.

Clue 4: it's a Blaze song

Clue 5: it's a non-album single

Clue 6: it's one of 3 Maiden songs Blaze was doing in his regular solo set up to the end of the last tour.

We've also established that:

  1. The connection to pirates is incidental
  2. The song in question contains a definite reference to seagoing vessels
  3. It's not The Nomad - or anything else to do with ships of the desert
  4. It's a very straight line from the picture clue to a single line of lyrics!
  5. It's the A-side of a single released in September ... 1996 (a little extra pointer for you ... )
Finally, a summary of all the incorrect guesses so far:
  • When Two Worlds Collide
  • Death Or Glory
  • The Longest Day
  • Run to the Hills
  • Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  • For the Greater Good of God
  • Lightning Strikes Twice
  • Justice of the Peace
  • Man on the Edge


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