Iron Maiden Picture Game

Okay another clue: apart from the line described by the picture, the song in question has no connection with seafaring.

(btw there's also a sneaky clue to the singer hidden in that video ... ;))
I'll sum up all that's gone before:

Clue 1:

Clue 2: what do the pirates want to do, in that scene? (watch the video if you are unsure: which also includes a clue to the singer of this song)

Clue 3: apart from the line described by the picture, the song in question has no connection with seafaring.

All the incorrect guesses so far:

  • When Two Worlds Collide
  • Death Or Glory
  • The Longest Day

Come on everyone, it really is a straight line from that picture to a single line of lyrics ...
Run To The Hills ?

("Run to the hills, run for your lives")
The reference to seagoing vessels being? Sorry, no.
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Remember I said that there is no connection to seafaring apart from this one line? So it's not Rime, sorry ;)

And here's a freebie - it's not The Nomad either: in case anyone thinks of making a deductive leap to ships of the desert ...
The reference to seagoing vessels being? Sorry, no.

Remember I said that there is no connection to seafaring apart from this one line? So it's not Rime, sorry ;)

And here's a freebie - it's not The Nomad either: in case anyone thinks of making a deductive leap to ships of the desert ...
I got the right song (I guess, at least I hope it). :D
OK, so that's my new guess :

For The Greater Good Of God (because of the verse "A life that's made to breath, Destruction or defense") ?

No-one? Okay I'll narrow it down a bit more: it's a Blaze song ...

Remember what happens to the Interceptor in that clip? She gets blown up and catches fire before she finally ... which is what I said was a subtle clue ;)