Cat Milk Supreme
Ancient Mariner
I firmly stand by my statement.......but I don't think that's what @mckindog meant. He probably accidently used Caps Lock on "days".
The collective result led me to these musings.
I already used the word 'musings' in this discussion, get your own material

I get your point and agree that its desirable on a forum like this (Hardcore Fans) to have healthy appreciation for the '2nd rate' stuff (if we don't who will?!) and I personally do but when it comes to a game like this I cant see the likes of X Factor ever beating the likes of Powerslave or 7th Son. Doesn't mean people don't appreciate these 'lesser' albums.
Like, if No Prayer, FOTD and VXI were the Top 3 I would think voters were takin the piss!
I take you point about the trend, I wasn't looking at it that way. Its interesting if there is such a trend, I like the Blaze stuff more as time goes by.