So, I finally got around to listening to
Dystopia. Some of the songwriting ideas sound interesting, and I guess they will sound pretty good live, but overall, it's an overproduced mess. Much of the album is an incredible bore with zero surprises and little that I actually remember. Well, except for those long choruses that get repeated infinitely, or so it seemed. As for Stu Block, those who say that he's doing something different or things like that,
who are you kidding?

I agree that he doesn't sound like Barlow, but that's not for lack of trying. He is attemptig to imitate Barlow virtually on every breath, except when he starts shrieking... and then he sounds like Tim fucking Owens. Jesus H, I had hoped we'd gotten over that. There was one song, one of the ballads, when you could actually hear Block himself so to speak, and I couldn't think of a more uncharismatic voice. Absolutely no power of his own, no character, it's no surprise he does the Barlow whenever he can. As for the the album in general, it really did seem to have a few intriguing ideas here and there, but in general, I'd say it's the very definition of mediocrity. I didn't hear an ounce of passion in the playing, no moment that stuck out, no hookline that grabbed me, nothing at all. The riff monsters of old have turned into numb shredding, the epic high points are now layers of overproduction, and mass-produced television sentimentality has taken the place of heartfelt ballads.
Take this what it is, the bitter rant of some random guy on the internet, but at least know that my interest for this band is dead and buried.