Iced Earth

Night Prowler will think it's awesome even if it's 80 minutes of Jon Schaffer farting. You, Mosh and The Flash will say that Stu is trying to sound like Barlow and that the album would sound better if Barlow was on vocals. LooseCannon and Perun will refuse to listen to it because Jon is obsessed with conspiracy theories.


You all are focusing too much on the songwriting and vocalists. Iced Earth began its decline the moment it lost Richard Christy!! Thankfully, that led to his evolution from heavy metal drummer to prank-call comedy genius:
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Gonna make a few short comments on each song while I listen:

First song is better than I remember, a bit unorganized though, some parts were unneeded. The massive chorus at the end was good. Lots of recycled riffs and chugs though, not a good sign.

Democide: Typical generic IE thrasher. :yawn: Very awkward ending too. I'd rather be listening to Disciples of the Lie.

The Culling: Really good song despite a boring middle section. Wouldn't skip if it came on shuffle.

Among the Living Dead: Was impressed by the intro, which was quite different from anything IE has done so far. Funnily enough, I really enjoyed each part of the song that featured that motif, especially around the 2.5 minute mark, that was pretty darn cool. The rest of the song is a mess though. Some good ideas spread among a bunch of clutter. At this point I'm starting to realize that the whole album could be described that way, so far. Also, Stu's voice is all over the place on this song, what's his problem?

Resistance: Generic intro, alright verses, generic chorus. The anthemic, wall of sound choruses are starting to get really old. It's in almost every song so far.
I was ready to write this song off by the guitar solo but then the bridge kicked in and blew my mind. Awesome buildup, actually sounded inspired, great singing by Stu ( :eek: ) and it actually made the following parts sound even better. The anthemic chorus thing works so much better when something actually builds to it.

The End: A bunch of unrelated ideas are awkwardly cut together to create another snoozer. And there's the anthemic chorus again! Listening to Iced Earth sure would make a great drinking game. Also, why did this song have to be 7 minutes? Pretty good scream by Stu though.

If I Could See You: Same thought as when I heard it awhile back:
It's great if you like hearing the same ballad rewritten for the umpteenth time.

Cthulu: *At this point, Mosh feels like he has been listening to the same song over and over again. He also wonders why he didn't just put on Something Wicked This Way Comes instead.

Peacemaker: Starts off as a boring generic ballad but the more upbeat rocker part is actually really good. Has a cool rhythm to it, some nice chords. A good chorus that proves you don't need a thousand overdubs to make a good chorus. Even some good guitar melodies thrown in. I like when IE takes a break from the CHUG CHUG CHUG and the cliche triplet rhythms. This song actually sounds inspired and original. One of the better songs.

Parasite: ...and we're back to the generic Iced Earth. :yawn: Oh well, couldn't expect that streak to last long. At least they haven't gone back to the anthemic chorus thing yet.

Spirit of the Times: A Sons of Liberty cover? Are you fucking kidding me? Skip.

Bummed that Highwayman isn't available for streaming, that was the one song I actually wanted to hear. Will have to check it out when it becomes available.

Overall, slightly better than what I was expecting. Dunno if I'd say that it's better than Dystopia, I'll admit it sounds a lot more inspired, but at the same time it sounds more generic. I'm glad they laid off the ballads a bit with this one, since those tend to suck lately. My favorite songs (or the only songs I liked) were Peacemaker, The Culling, and Resistance, despite the fact that Resistance got off to a really weak start. Won't be buying this, but at least I got through the whole thing, wasn't expecting that.

I don't really like numbered ratings, but if I had to, I'd give this 2 Confederate flags out of 5. As in, it's bad but I can at least stomach the whole thing.
Well that's where we disagree :p

Yep, it would appear so... :p

I agree with a lot of what you've said regarding "Plagues Of Babylon", although I think "Among The Living Dead" is a great song (probably the best on the album), and I like "Democide" also. Most of the album is a snoozefest though... I just hope it grows on me after some more listens... right now though, I think this album is far inferior to "Dystopia".
Hmmm interesting review. Do you have a link to the stream? I strangely wasn't able to find one.
It's on spotify, you can download it for free. Very easy.

I agree with a lot of what you've said regarding "Plagues Of Babylon", although I think "Among The Living Dead" is a great song (probably the best on the album), and I like "Democide" also. Most of the album is a snoozefest though... I just hope it grows on me after some more listens... right now though, I think this album is far inferior to "Dystopia".
Democide was one of the worst I thought, Among the Living Dead wasn't horrible and had good moments, maybe I'll give it another go.
Democide was one of the worst I thought, Among the Living Dead wasn't horrible and had good moments, maybe I'll give it another go.

"Democide sounded a bit repetitive at first, but after about 4 plays, I really started to like it. "Among The Living Dead" and "Peacemaker" are the best songs on the album though. I'd give "Among The Living Dead" another go, I didn't love the song the first time I heard it (although I did like the chorus first time of asking). ;)
"Democide sounded a bit repetitive at first, but after about 4 plays, I really started to like it. "Among The Living Dead" and "Peacemaker" are the best songs on the album though. I'd give "Among The Living Dead" another go, I didn't love the song the first time I heard it (although I did like the chorus first time of asking). ;)
Well I liked the chorus on that song too, so maybe there is hope for it. And glad to see I'm not the only one who liked Peacemaker!
Well I liked the chorus on that song too, so maybe there is hope for it. And glad to see I'm not the only one who liked Peacemaker!

Well, when I first heard "Among The Living Dead" I liked the chorus and solo, but the rest of the song didn't click with me. But I liked the chorus so much, I listened to the song more times, and after the 3rd listen, the whole song became amazing to me. The intro is awesome, and I love the way the song builds up, then it leads into some classic palm muted riffing from Jon. Also, the song has more of a Demons & Wizards feel to it than Iced Earth... which come to think of it, isn't Hansi singing in parts of this song? The scream after the choruses especially sound like Hansi! It's a brilliant song. Shame most of the rest of the album is such a damp squib...

"Peacemaker" is a wonderful song, and the only one which matches ATLD in quality. This one has a classic Iced Earth feel, and even though I don't know the lyrics, I have a burning desire to sing along with it! :lol: This song is pure classic Iced Earth, everything about it is great. Again, it's a shame it wasn't part of a better album. :(
I don't have time or patience for a bigger review, so I'll keep this relatively short:

Plagues Of Babylon: Awesome song. Intro is a bit too long, but otherwise everything is great - especially the chorus.
Democide: Also pretty awesome, it lacks a big catchy chorus, but the verses make up for it.
The Culling: Average. Chorus is pretty good though.
Among The Living Dead: EPIC :edmetal::shred::rocker: Can't say anything bad about this song. It just works.
Resistance: It sounds interesting. Doesn't sound like any other Iced Earth song (except the chorus). Not particularly memorable though.
The End?: It's pretty long and varied and I need to listen to it more.
If I Could See You: This song rules. One of their best ballads, best song on the album and my favorite song with Stu. Also proves that Stu doesn't have to copy Barlow since his natural voice is also pretty good. I admit the song isn't too original, but it's very catchy and cool. The double-bass heavy ending is very awesome :shred:
Cthulhu: Awesome chorus.
Peacemaker: Awesome song. Very unusual rhythm for Iced Earth. Lead guitar is also pretty awesome, Troy has improved a lot.
Parasite: Don't like it much. Average at best.
Spirit Of The Times: Awesome. What a fantastic chorus. Sons Of Liberty ain't that bad if you get past the silly conspiracy lyrics. Now that I look at the lyrics of this song, they aren't particularly bad or controversial actually.
Outro: Fuck this :P

I'm not sure what to think about the production. It's not great, but it's better than Dystopia. It sounds much better on headphones with good bass sound.
IMO even the not so good songs sound fresh. There are some unusual rhythms/sounds and they didn't recycle much from their previous albums. Also, bass is unusually loud for an Iced Earth album o.o
Can't wait to hear Highwayman, dunno why it's ommited from the stream.
I listened to it. It can't hold a candle to the classics, but if I'm honest, it's not really shit either.
Democide: Also pretty awesome, it lacks a big catchy chorus, but the verses make up for it.

I think the lack of a big chorus is why it took a few plays for this song to really grow on me. There is some really killer riffing going on in the verses, and pre-choruses, and it is a very good song. I love the aggression of it. Only the lack of a truly memorable chorus stops it from being classic Iced Earth. Although I have to say, the more I hear the chorus, the more I like it. It's certainly above average, and is a very good song. A killer solo also could have elevated this one to truly classic status. It's just lacking that little extra something that could elevate it to being one of Iced Earth's best songs, but it is without doubt, one of the better songs on the album.
I did, I already have a vastly different (much more positive) opinion than in my review :)

Tour starts tonight! I hope they bring back Something Wicked Trilogy or Travel In Stygian in Dante's place.
I have now given the album a few listens and I can safely say that after a sketchy start I like it. :) There aren't any stand-out tracks like there were on 'Dystopia' but after I few listens I managed to really enjoy it. There are a bunch of good choruses in there and Stu sounds really good. If I were pushed I'd probably say that 'The End?' and 'Peacemaker' are my favourite songs from the album.
That's a really interesting setlist.

It's good that Jon has mixed things up from the last couple of tours and has picked songs from throughout the band's entire history. 'Red Baron/Blue Max' is a definite surprise addition!
I only wish they added something from Night Of The Stormrider. Pure Evil, Travel In Stygian or totally underrated (by the band) Desert Rain. But this setlist is very interesting and full of obscure stuff that wasn't played live in ages, so I'm happy anyway.
I only wish they added something from Night Of The Stormrider. Pure Evil, Travel In Stygian or totally underrated (by the band) Desert Rain. But this setlist is very interesting and full of obscure stuff that wasn't played live in ages, so I'm happy anyway.
Good example of why maiden have so many overplayed songs.
As a more casual fan of IE, I would have been disappointed.