Apparently, this thread requires some moderator attention.
We're having a very hearty disagreement here between two sides that don't really feel like giving up their position. That's good, arguments can be fun, enlightening and healthy. It turns ugly, however, when we get to points like this:
And if I'm not being 'open-minded' or 'intellectual' enough for you, fuck you. I'm sick and tired of your superior attitude; I don't like alcohol, green beans, and cars, or am I being close-minded again?
Forostar has every right to be offended (which he is, as he told me). Raven, the post you answered to was indeed not directed at you. It's okay if you answer to it anyway (this is why it's a public forum, not a PM debate- anyone can read and answer to anything), but if you do, please realize that if a post was obviously not directed at you (and it wasn't, as the two Sneaky quotes obviously showed), you have neither the right to take offense (unless there is an obvious reason for it), nor the right to insult the one you are replying to (which you never have). If you would have made your post without the last two lines, it would have been fine enough.
My initial request (not advice, request) is to
take it easy. That goes to everybody. If you read a post you feel offended by, go away, have a cup of tea and read it again after a while. Remember, it's just a message board. If you feel the urge to reply immediately, click on "reply", write something and then close the window without posting. Afterwards, you won't feel like writing all this again, and you might approach it in a more relaxed way.
To get to the legal side of things, I'd like to stress that personal insults against other board members are not allowed, so technically, Raven violated a forum rule. Since I know that Raven is usually different and is usually a very pleasant, polite and productive poster, I'm going to leave it at this informal warning. Please be more considerate in the future.
I would like to point out again that this post is
not only directed at Raven. Some other members have been making rather emotional posts on this thread as well, so let me say it again:
Take it easy.