@SMX, have you ever had your music as primary source of income?
I mean, a multi-instrumentalist of your knowledge and skill could
at least be selling some background tracks, etc.
I started with acoustic guitar as a young kid, somewhere in the beginning of '90s. Learned basic chords, they've sent me to music school, i ran away after a month because, normally, tutors taught some basic folk songs and some classical basics in the beginning. I wasn't interested in that kind of music. My older cousin gave me this smaller-scale acoustic guitar because i was seen jumping with a broom on G'n'R's Paradise City. So they told me, i can't really remember that particular moment. Now i wish i pursued that music school. Few years after, i started doing keyboards. I was really into it, now i can't remember a damn thing (my keyboard playing is nowadays limited to chord-by-chord MIDI recording for backgrounds, not "realtime" playing). But back then i could do some prominent domestic pop-rock songs with both leads and chords. Somewhere near mid junior high i bought a normal acoustic guitar, and then bought some really bad "custom" electric. Actually that guitar was crafted by my school colleague for state competition in technical class. Cheap wood, no acoustics, amateur mounted frets, and one humbucker which was cheapest replacement 'bucker at the time.
In the first grade of high school, i got Ibanez RG. A very nice guitar that i play today.
Throughout high school i played in a number of bands, had a couple of live performances in front of a dozen people. Learned basics of drumming. We'd all wait for the drummer to go to cigarette break so we can hit some drums. Haven't really found a band which suited me. At beginning of college there was a nice line-up with some potentially good songs. But went down because of musical differences.
So i got myself some gear, and started learning computer based recording and production. As a kid i've messed with MIDI and trackers in DOS, so i had a really fast learning curve.
But due to lack of time i never committed myself to doing something properly. Normally i lay out a really nice background track, and when it comes to guitar recording, i lose my temper while trying to get a good guitar sound on the recording (i don't have means to record acoustically, nor do i have a studio-grade processor), get frustrated and off it goes
My gear consists of customized Ibanez RG (black kauri wood, Schaller mechanics, DiMarzio SD/PAF Pro), BOSS Super Distortion, Gallien Krueger 250RL (no box, i'm hunting some 2x12 used on local market right now), crappy Casio synth that i use as MIDI controller, Digitech Genesis II processor, some ancient HAMA mixboard, DAW based on E-MU systems DSP, and Atari 1040STe. I also have Jackson Dinky and Roland Micro Cube which i gave to my younger brother as a gift, because he started playing guitar.
I need to buy that damned box, a good microphone / preamp, 2 channel firewire mixer, and a stripe/fader/pot based MIDI controller so i can control my DAW in real-time. Those crappy drawn automation tracks really annoy me. Not that big of an overall investment, but then i'll really have decent means of pouring my ideas into the computer. However, music being one of the hobbies, i always seem to have either lack of time or money to pursue it properly.
There you go, a standard story from an average hobbyist musician. I'll check my archive and see if there's any material worth posting.
Oh, and there's my name on one of the records in shops. A band of a friend, they didn't have money to record drums in studio, so i wrote out MIDI scores based on their demos. Damn their drummer, he really had an awkward style.