Historical Figures 20 Questions

I consider a religious figure to be someone directly involved with a religious movement.  IE, Pat Buchanan is a religious figure.  The highly evangelical Christian senior senator from South Carolina Lindsay Graham is not a religious figure, though he is surely a religious person.
I know that we are close!  I just can't figure out what question is gonna make the 'dam break'.... I've been reading up on my late 19th and early 20th religious figures.... hmmm...
I'm trying to think of a valid hint.

Hmm... hmm... hmm...

This person was born in the east and died in the west of natural causes, unlike his predecessor.
See, that really sounds like Brigham Young, but he was born in 1801.


15.  Is the college/university that is named after him in the west (eg, west of the Mississippi)?
Uhoh.  LC needs to read the old questions.

Yep.  I messed up the dates one.  The person was born before 1850, not after.
Either way-- if CFH wants a shot at it or if you wanna do it, its all cool to me.  I'm gonna be studying for Econ final (Wed)!