Historical Figures 20 Questions

Is this person from what would now be considered modern day France (ie. any part of the Frankish Kingdom)?
Perun said:
Was this person from the Holy Roman Empire?


I'm not going to count this as a question, because I should have said what I meant.  By the Roman Empire in its broadest sense, I include the Empire of Octavian and its successor kingdom in the East.  The person could have been born in an area that was nominally Roman but in fact was not (400s Britain, for instance), or could have been born in an area that was very Roman indeed (Byzantium).

However, given the dates involved, a smart person should be able to figure out what I mean.
In that case, I know what you mean.
Was this person notorious for doing things such as shutting down Platonic Academies?
Perun said:
Is he Belisarius?

It is.  I figured it was time for a European figure and he's pretty awesome, not that we know all that much about the guy.

Anyone else want to go?  I can prolly pull someone else out of my mind (read: I have another one ready and he ain't so easy).
Yes, it was very nice to have a person I heard about again. Seriously, all those American generals and judges, that's something for a very small audience.

But it's my turn, and I've got someone.