Guilty pleasures

I can't understand what anybody sees in that song as a piece of music. I'm going to guess you have personal memories associated with this song and a female which are clouding your judgement. :cool:
Really don't know where you get the impression that they're pretentious from, LC. They're the pioneer of their genre.
while they are pioneers for their genre, I don't really like their "pioneering" era. I love their Alan Wilder era from Black Celebration up to Ultra (included).
Three guilty pleasure bands for me that I know are "bad" but I still listen to anyways are Avenged Sevenfold, Slipknot and Atreyu. :blush:

The last two are blegh...but there's a couple A7X fans around here, I think. I honestly can't stand anything they've done except Waking The Fallen, which may be one of my favorite metal albums of all time.
Waking the Fallen is a metal classic. A7x is the least shameful of those bands, but they have gone from a true metalcore band to borderline corny glam metal. They sold out big time.
With that being said, they have some of the best guitar solos in metal. They're up there among the best if you can get past their style.
Their guitars are incredible, I agree. It's mostly Shadows' voice I can't stand - everything after Waking the Fallen has this incredibly whiney, nasally tinge to it. The newest self-titled album sounded a little better, but the songs were shit.
When City of Evil first came out and his vocals and their overall style changed so significantly... I hated it and stopped listening to them all together. I've picked them back up lately and realize their newer material is still good. A band shouldn't change so much from one record to another to the point where it honestly feels like a completely different band and sub-genre.
I used to be really into A7X, still like a bit of it from time to time. Their stretch of albums from Waking the Fallen to Nightmare is really solid IMO. Nightmare isn't their best album but considering the circumstances it was made under, I think it came out pretty good. Save Me is my favorite song by them and I wish they would've gone further in that progressive direction. Fiction and Victim are good too. As far as complete albums go, the self titled is my favorite.

The last album they made was so awful though. There was one song on there I enjoyed (Acid Rain) and the rest were shameless Metallica rip offs. I've lost any interest I had in what they do next.
I saw A7X open for Maiden in Paris in 2008. They were the worst opening act I've ever seen for Maiden, and the whole Palais Omnisports de Bercy seemed to agree with me. Everybody booed. Everybody.
Worst opening act I've seen was a band called Wovenwar. I guess they're the backing band of the guy who hired a hitman to kill his wife? Was so bland.
A lot of shows I saw in the early 2000's had these "up-and-coming" bands that no one had ever heard of, all trying to be "alternative metal." They all had terrible screamers, low lighting, guitarists who didn't cut the extra strings off their guitar headstocks, sometimes light up fretboards, etc. It was the weird days between the transition from Nü Metal to deathcore. One I specifically remembered opening up for Armored Saint was called "Smoke" and they were truly horrendous. Everyone came to the show to see classic heavy metal and these idiots didn't understand why they got such a terrible reception. Kept swearing at the audience and demanding attention.
Worst opening act I've seen was a band called Wovenwar. I guess they're the backing band of the guy who hired a hitman to kill his wife? Was so bland.
I actually like Wovenwar, but they're not as good as the previous band that all members but the lead vocalist were in, As I Lay Dying.
Tim Lambesis (AILD's frontman) had a work out buddy that hooked him up with a "contract killer" to off his then wife who he was going through a divorce and custody battle over. Well that hitman was really an undercover cop and he was sort of set up in a way. What he did was still wrong of course and his judgement was very clouded. He said that he became a desperate man when his wife threatened to never let him see his kids again.

Wovenwar is nowhere near as good as As I Lay Dying though. It's a very disappointing end to a great band.
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I saw A7X open for Maiden in Paris in 2008. They were the worst opening act I've ever seen for Maiden, and the whole Palais Omnisports de Bercy seemed to agree with me. Everybody booed. Everybody.

I remember thinking they were better than Lauren Harris...
Well, thinking about it, I tend to always go crazy about a band and it never lasts, but I think I can safely say this: My two guilty pleasures (that is, artists that I think suck and am ashamed for liking) are probably:
R.E.M. (they kept me company last year when travelling via bus to vacation - the albums Document, Green, Lifes and Fables are grrrrreat for some half-awake half-asleep travelling-by-bus headphone fun at night)
and... shudder...
Robbie Williams (Life Thru a Lens, I've Been Expecting You, Sing When You're Winning and (especially) Escapology are great for the aforementioned overnight-bus-travelling fun... and for some regular listening also. :D
Now I feel I'm really the only person in the world having a Dream Theater avatar and praising Robbie Williams at the same time, but... well... :innocent:

Talking about the artists/songs that are current guilty pleasures (that is, a week later I probably won't remember them), that would be Magic - Rude. I can't get the song out of my head. ("...marry her anyway...").