Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Over 18 hours since the last guess so here´s a new clue.

Clue 1: Conspiracy
Clue 2: Max Payne
Clue 3: Tomorrow Never Dies
Clue 4: School Of Rock
Clue 5: Jurassic Park
Clue 6: The Bourne Identity

Incorrect guesses: The Ides Of March, The Fugitive, Sanctuary, The Assassin, The Number Of The Beast, Mother Of Mercy, The Edge Of Darkness, Futureal, Dream Of Mirrors, El Dorado, Hallowed Be Thy Name, Wrathchild, Quest For Fire
An extra clue because it´s sunday...

Clue 1: Conspiracy
Clue 2: Max Payne
Clue 3: Tomorrow Never Dies
Clue 4: School Of Rock
Clue 5: Jurassic Park
Clue 6: The Bourne Identity
Clue 7: Rain Man
Clue 8: The Heartbreak Kid

Incorrect guesses: The Ides Of March, The Fugitive, Sanctuary, The Assassin, The Number Of The Beast, Mother Of Mercy, The Edge Of Darkness, Futureal, Dream Of Mirrors, El Dorado, Hallowed Be Thy Name, Wrathchild, Quest For Fire, 2 Minutes To Midnight, The Red And The Black, Lost In A Lost World
Clue 1: Conspiracy
Clue 2: Max Payne
Clue 3: Tomorrow Never Dies
Clue 4: School Of Rock
Clue 5: Jurassic Park
Clue 6: The Bourne Identity
Clue 7: Rain Man
Clue 8: The Heartbreak Kid
Clue 9: The Last King Of Scotland

Incorrect guesses: The Ides Of March, The Fugitive, Sanctuary, The Assassin, The Number Of The Beast, Mother Of Mercy, The Edge Of Darkness, Futureal, Dream Of Mirrors, El Dorado, Hallowed Be Thy Name, Wrathchild, Quest For Fire, 2 Minutes To Midnight, The Red And The Black, Lost In A Lost World, Wasting Love, The Man Who Would Be King, The Writing On The Wall

Maybe I made it a little too hard this time?
Clue 1: Conspiracy
Clue 2: Max Payne
Clue 3: Tomorrow Never Dies
Clue 4: School Of Rock
Clue 5: Jurassic Park
Clue 6: The Bourne Identity
Clue 7: Rain Man
Clue 8: The Heartbreak Kid
Clue 9: The Last King Of Scotland
Clue 10: Taxi Driver

No random movies: Check who´s acting in each of these 10 and find the link between them which will lead you to the song title.

Incorrect guesses: The Ides Of March, The Fugitive, Sanctuary, The Assassin, The Number Of The Beast, Mother Of Mercy, The Edge Of Darkness, Futureal, Dream Of Mirrors, El Dorado, Hallowed Be Thy Name, Wrathchild, Quest For Fire, 2 Minutes To Midnight, The Red And The Black, Lost In A Lost World, Wasting Love, The Man Who Would Be King, The Writing On The Wall, Stratego, Hell On Earth, Infinite Dreams