Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

1. This song has lyrics which are also the name of a band. This band's demo was released the same year that Adrian Smith left Iron Maiden.
2. Two generations feeding false information.

Guesses so far: The Evil That Men Do, Justice of the Peace
1. This song has lyrics which are also the name of a band. This band's demo was released the same year that Adrian Smith left Iron Maiden.
2. Two generations feeding false information.
3. This song has never been played live.
4. There’s a movie with the same name, and in this movie one of the actors also played Batman’s loyal friend/servant/butler/companion Alfred.

Guesses so far: The Evil That Men Do, Justice of the Peace, Fear is the Key, Mother Russia, Lost in a Lost World, Starblind (good song!), Age of Innocence