Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: Alice Herbert
Clue #2: Back and Forth
Clue #3: John Jack Ring

Incorrect guesses: Mother Russia/ To Tame A Land/ Caught Somewhere in Time/ The Talisman
Clue #1: Alice Herbert
Clue #2: Back and Forth
Clue #3: John Jack Ring
Clue #4 : this song has never been played live

Incorrect guesses: Mother Russia/ To Tame A Land/ Caught Somewhere in Time/ The Talisman
Quest for Fire

You win! :)

Clue #1: Alice Herbert < in Monty Python's Holy Grail!, the king of Swamp Castle calls his son Herbert "Alice" < "When the land was swamp and caves were home"
Clue #2: Back and Forth < In Blackadder's 1999 special Back & Forth, Blackadder and Baldrick travel back to the time of dinosaurs with a time machine < "In a time when dinosaurs walked the earth"
Clue #3: John Jack Ring < a literal translation of Jean-Jacques Annaud ("Anneau" means "ring"), the director of La Guerre Du Paix, entitled Quest for Fire in its English version, which inspired Steve Harris to write the song.
Clue #4 : this song has never been played live < self-explanatory
Clue #3: John Jack Ring < a literal translation of Jean-Jacques Annaud ("Anneau" means "ring"), the director of La Guerre Du Paix, entitled Quest for Fire in its English version, which inspired Steve Harris to write the song.
So I actually won by sheer luck - I thought you said "Jack Jack Ring" and I was like, oh huh, Jack-Jack in The Incredibles can turn into fire, lemme guess QFF. :P

Clue #1: And I never see the sudden curve until it's way too late!