Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue 1: An American actor played in two movies that will lead you to the song title.
Clue 2: An American metalband, influenced by Maiden, made a song with exactly the same title as the one we´re looking for. 21 Years later, an American artist released also a song with this title.

Incorrect guesses: The Clansman, Deja Vu, The Edge Of Darkness
It's been a long time since I was last active on these forums; been working. How would people feel about a 2.0 version of this game, this time with regular leaderboard updates? I can't go through all these pages one by one and bring the scores up to date.
Clue 1: An American actor played in two movies that will lead you to the song title.
Clue 2: An American metalband, influenced by Maiden, made a song with exactly the same title as the one we´re looking for. 21 Years later, an American artist released also a song with this title.
Clue 3: The American metalband of Clue 2 made also a cover version of the song we´re looking for. This band also made 2 other Maiden cover songs, one mixed in a medley with the song we´re looking for.

Incorrect guesses: The Clansman, Deja Vu, The Edge Of Darkness, The Prophecy
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Three incorrect guesses in a row so time for another clue.

Clue 1: An American actor played in two movies that will lead you to the song title.
Clue 2: An American metalband, influenced by Maiden, made a song with exactly the same title as the one we´re looking for. 21 Years later, an American artist released also a song with this title.
Clue 3: The American metalband of Clue 2 made also a cover version of the song we´re looking for. This band also made 2 other Maiden cover songs, one mixed in a medley with the song we´re looking for.
Clue 4: The drummer wrote it too?

Incorrect guesses: The Clansman, Deja Vu, The Edge Of Darkness, The Prophecy, Children Of The Damned, Killers, Where Eagles Dare
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The Ides of March

Clue 1: George Clooney starred in The Ides Of March (2011) and Hail, Caesar! (2016)
(Julius Caesar was murdered on The Ides Of March in 44BC)

Clue 2: Steel Prophet opened their 2000 Messiah album with a song called The Ides Of March. Myles Kennedy just released a new song with the same title.

Clue 3: Steel Prophet covered Gangland and The Ides Of March/Purgatory medley.

Clue 4: Referring to the Samson song Thunderburst from their Head On album which was co-written by Thunderstick (who was shortly drumming for Maiden before Clive joined the band) but not recorded by Maiden yet. Steve got all writing credits for The Ides Of March on Killers though. Although not completely the same, both songs are much alike.

Your turn, @Diesel 11 !
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