Guess The Iron Maiden Song!


Clue #1: removed from the world
Clue #2:

Clue #3: the writing team of this song authored two tracks on the album on which it was released, two on the album before but none on the album that came next.

Incorrect guesses: 2 A.M/ Out of the Shadows/ Flight of Icarus/ Ghost of the Navigator/ Starblind/ Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Still no.

Clue #1: removed from the world
Clue #2:


Clue #3: the writing team of this song authored two tracks on the album on which it was released, two on the album before but none on the album that came next.
Clue #4: it is not Ozzy's fault.

Incorrect guesses: 2 A.M/ Out of the Shadows/ Flight of Icarus/ Ghost of the Navigator/ Starblind/ Rime of the Ancient Mariner/ 2 Minutes to Midnight/ The Man Who Would Be King/ Lord of the Flies
Clue #1: removed from the world
Clue #2:


Clue #3: the writing team of this song authored two tracks on the album on which it was released, two on the album before but none on the album that came next.
Clue #4: it is not Ozzy's fault.
Clue #5: Game Of Thrones

Incorrect guesses: 2 A.M/ Out of the Shadows/ Flight of Icarus/ Ghost of the Navigator/ Starblind/ Rime of the Ancient Mariner/ 2 Minutes to Midnight/ The Man Who Would Be King/ Lord of the Flies/ Charlotte (or Sharon) the Harlot/ Back in the Village/ The Unbeliever