Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: between land and sea
Clue #2: Maroon 5 #1
Clue #3: Mary Shelley, Kylie Minogue and Eric Clapton have a common point with the narrator of this song.
Clue #4: it has never been played Iron Maiden as such.
Clue #5: oral sex
Clue #6: expensive research

Incorrect guesses: Isle of Avalon/ Bayswater Ain't A Bad Place To Be / Aces High/ Infinite Dreams/ Wasting Love/Wasted Years/ Transylvania/ New Frontier/ Stranger in a Strange Land/ Sheriff of Huddersfield/ Reach Out/ Cross-Eyed Mary
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Clue #1: between land and sea
Clue #2: Maroon 5 #1
Clue #3: Mary Shelley, Kylie Minogue and Eric Clapton have a common point with the narrator of this song.
Clue #4: it has never been played Iron Maiden as such.
Clue #5: oral sex
Clue #6: expensive research

Incorrect guesses: Isle of Avalon/ Bayswater Ain't A Bad Place To Be / Aces High/ Infinite Dreams/ Wasting Love/Wasted Years/ Transylvania/ New Frontier/ Stranger in a Strange Land/ Sheriff of Huddersfield/ Reach Out/ Cross-Eyed Mary
Congratulations! :)

Clue #1: between land and sea < the song was written by Derek O'Neil and Steve Barnacle, which also happens to be the name of a crustacean, living "between land and sea".
Clue #2: Maroon 5 #1 < Maroon 5's first album is named Songs about Jane. The smaller font stands for Juanita being the nickname of Jane (or Juana in Spanish).
Clue #3: Mary Shelley, Kylie Minogue and Eric Clapton have a common point with the narrator of this song. < as of Wikipedia, they are/were all residents of the London borough of Chelsea ("Living in a Chelsea flat seems so lonely now").
Clue #4: it has never been played Iron Maiden as such. < it opened the show of The Entire Population of Hackney, in 1985 (feat. H and Nicko, who were joined by the rest of the band for the encores).
Clue #5: oral sex <someone (Bruce?) changed the original line "I'm never going back Juanita" to "I'm never going down on Juanita" in one instance of the chorus.
Clue #6: expensive research < "Yeah it cost me a bundle / trying to track you down" are the opening lines of the song.

Your turn @Jmaster .
Clue 1: This song has a feature that is also found in Sign of the Cross, The Fugitive and Mother Russia.

Clue 2: Another band has a song with the same name. This other song is written and performed by a person with a surname similar to the name of a city where Maiden have played.

Incorrect guesses: Burning Ambition, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, The Angel and the Gambler
Ding! or if this is fail then..I will try to do something else. My first guess of TAATG was fail because I didn't yet see correct thing to look for..for the clue#1, I thought of lenthty, epic songs with some synths or stuff like that..but now that wasn't it as TF is not epic and such you know..anyways, here's my new try:

Where Eagles Dare
The Misfits have the similar named song and Glenn Danzig is the singer and writer of the song. Danzig is the name of the city but also known as Gdansk and Maiden have played there in 2013 and 1986. All songs listed have been solely written by Steve Harris but as Im in a hurry I can't think of how many other links there are between the songs.
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Ding! or if this is fail then..I will try to do something else. My first guess of TAATG was fail because I didn't yet see correct thing to look for..for the clue#1, I thought of lenthty, epic songs with some synths or stuff like that..but now that wasn't it as TF is not epic and such you know..anyways, here's my new try:

Where Eagles Dare
The Misfits have the similar named song and Glenn Danzig is the singer and writer of the song. Danzig is the name of the city but also known as Gdansk and Maiden have played there in 2013 and 1986. All songs listed have been solely written by Steve Harris but as Im in a hurry I can't think of how many other links there are between the songs.

You're absolutely right. Your turn. Good work on Misfits (you obviously aint no goddamn son of a bitch). Next one up would be a Dennis Stratton/The Eagles clue

Clue 1: The songs all make references to the weather: Snowing outside/wind and rain/cold October morning/cold winds blow.

So you were onto that one as well.
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