Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Only The Good Die Young

Correct. It's your turn now.

clue#1: Hendrix. That's what I said
Jimi Hendrix is mentioned in the Miami Vice episode "Line Of Fire" in which we get to hear "Only The Good Die Young" and Sonny Crockett (played by Don Johnson) describes metal as this "This speed metal crap is just warmed-over Hendrix riffs, played twice as fast and half as well!".

clue#2: No Elvis (even in line of fire) and Im not talking about the one from Tupelo or Costello. There's similar titled song released in 1977 that caused controversy.
In the particular episode of Miami Vice for some reason Crockett's alligator is absent for whatever reason, but it's name is Elvis.
As I said, Im not talking about other more known Elvises like Elvis Presley (born in Tupelo) or Elvis Costello.
In 1977 Billy Joel released single from his album "The Stranger" and it was called "Only The Good Die Young". It caused controversy with the lyrics written from the perspective of a young man determined to have sex with a Catholic girl.

clue#3: The later part of clue#1 (That's what I said) is from the song mentioned in clue#2. Hendrix and no Elvis on december 16, 1988.
Yep, the song by Billy Joel as I wrote in that previous answer. The original broadcast date for the Miami Vice episode was december16th, 1988.

The songwriting team (of the song here in question) gives you the following numbers: 7.8, 8.1,8.2,8.7,14.6,16B. And I give you 280 seconds.
Bruce Dickinson and Steve Harris have made 6 songs together and the numbers reveal album and track.
7.8 = (from Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son) Only The Good Die Young
8.1 = (from No Prayer For The Dying) Tailgunner, 8.2 Holy Smoke and 8.7 Run Silent Run Deep
14.6 = (from A Matter Of Life And Death) Out Of The Shadows
16B = is the b-side of 16th single (Can I Play With Madness) which is Black Bart Blues

clue#4: we get to hear couple guitar-solos in the song, but most importantly there's a bit of a solo from 'Arry aswell which is welcome because that bass-solo (or such thing anyways) isn't too common thing.

'Arry plays little bass-solo around the time 1:52 and it goes until around 2:02

This song has not yet been played live in concert and so it unfornately seems that it won't ever be played, I think it's a bit forgotten but also underrated little tune.
Yep, unfornately this has never been played live and so it's definitely forgotten little tune.

Abrupt and sudden ending comes so fast that you might not even realize and you might have waited it to last little longer. And of you go, turn the tape, turn the lp or just play cd and listen to the album from the start again.
As this song sort of ends the story and the album, the very ending ties it to the start of the album and so the story goes on and on again..I could have used better words here.

The date in clue#3, the december 16th 1988 is date when some certain tv-program was first shown. And the numbers mentioned mean that there's total of 6 songs that the team has done.
Yep, like I already explained the in the answers.
Clue #1: between land and sea
Clue #2: Maroon 5 #1

Incorrect guesses: Isle of Avalon/ Bayswater Ain't A Bad Place To Be / Aces High
Clue #1: between land and sea
Clue #2: Maroon 5 #1
Clue #3: Mary Shelley, Kylie Minogue and Eric Clapton have a common point with the narrator of this song.

Incorrect guesses: Isle of Avalon/ Bayswater Ain't A Bad Place To Be / Aces High/ Infinite Dreams/ Wasting Love/Wasted Years
Clue #1: between land and sea
Clue #2: Maroon 5 #1
Clue #3: Mary Shelley, Kylie Minogue and Eric Clapton have a common point with the narrator of this song.

Incorrect guesses: Isle of Avalon/ Bayswater Ain't A Bad Place To Be / Aces High/ Infinite Dreams/ Wasting Love/Wasted Years
Stranger in a strange land
Clue #1: between land and sea
Clue #2: Maroon 5 #1
Clue #3: Mary Shelley, Kylie Minogue and Eric Clapton have a common point with the narrator of this song.
Clue #4: it has never been played Iron Maiden as such.

Incorrect guesses: Isle of Avalon/ Bayswater Ain't A Bad Place To Be / Aces High/ Infinite Dreams/ Wasting Love/Wasted Years/ Transylvania/ New Frontier/ Stranger in a Strange Land
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