Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1 Hattin
Clue #2:

Clue #3: dark medicine

Incorrect guesses: The Nomad/ The Assassin/ Montsegur/ For The Greater Good of God/ Mother of Mercy
Clue #1 Hattin
Clue #2:


Clue #3: dark medicine
Clue #4: try again

Incorrect guesses: The Nomad/ The Assassin/ Montsegur/ For The Greater Good of God/ Mother of Mercy/ Paschendale/ Back In The Village/ The Legacy
No to both

One more before bedtime:

Clue #1 Hattin
Clue #2:

Clue #3: dark medicine
Clue #4: try again
Clue #5: it was played live on one tour only

Incorrect guesses: The Nomad/ The Assassin/ Montsegur/ For The Greater Good of God/ Mother of Mercy/ Paschendale/ Back In The Village/ The Legacy/ Heaven Can Wait/ To Tame A Land
Clue #1 Hattin
Clue #2:


Clue #3: dark medicine
Clue #4: try again
Clue #5: it was played live on one tour only
Clue #6: "This guy is really good. He should turn professional"

Incorrect guesses: The Nomad/ The Assassin/ Montsegur/ For The Greater Good of God/ Mother of Mercy/ Paschendale/ Back In The Village/ The Legacy/ Heaven Can Wait/ To Tame A Land/ Out of The Shadows
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The Pilgrim

Clue 1: the battle of Hattin was one of the deadliest of the crusades: "Holy battles take their toll".
Clue 2: this type of hen is a Plymouth Rock. This name is also, of course, where the Pilgrim Fathers landed.
Clue 3: forgive this awful pun: "dark medicine"> "grim pill"> pilgrim
Clue 4: in the making of, Steve says that Janick had another riff that he didn't like so he asked him to come up with something better.
Clue 5: self- explanatory (only played when they performed AMOLAD in its entirety)
Clue 6: a reference to Rowan Atkinson's sketch about Jesus ("changing water into wine") - the line is supposed to be said by the servants at the marriage at Cana.

Your turn, @Jer . :)