Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: sweet sixteen
Clue #2: pining for the doctor
Clue #3: Viserys Targaryen
Clue #4: this song inspired the title of a bootleg named after it but bearing a mistake

Incorrect guesses: Running Free/ Age of Innocence/ Phantom of the Opera/ The Book of Souls/ Doctor Doctor/ Women in Uniform/ Rainbow's Gold/ Wasted Years/ The Red and the Black
Clue #1: sweet sixteen
Clue #2: pining for the doctor
Clue #3: Viserys Targaryen
Clue #4: this song inspired the title of a bootleg named after it but bearing a mistake
Clue #5: 11234

Incorrect guesses: Running Free/ Age of Innocence/ Phantom of the Opera/ The Book of Souls/ Doctor Doctor/ Women in Uniform/ Rainbow's Gold/ Wasted Years/ The Red and the Black/ Killers/ Wildest Dreams/ The Ides of March
Can I Play With Madness
Well, you forgot the question mark but I'll close my eyes! :D

Clue #1: sweet sixteen < CIPWM is the 16th single released by the band
Clue #2: pining for the doctor < the actor Graham Chapman, best known for being part of the Monty Python (he co-wrote the Parrot Sketch, hence "pining for [the fjords]"), graduated as a doctor before becoming a full-time writer and comedian. He made his last appearance, as the art teacher, in the video for the song.
Clue #3: Viserys Targaryen < refers to the cover and to the fact this GOT character dies from getting molten gold poured on his head. It also less directly echoes the line "Your soul's gonna burn in a lake of fire".
Clue #4: this song inspired the title of a bootleg named after it but bearing a mistake
Clue #5:
The lines "
Oh and then he fixed me with a freezing glance
And the hell fires raged in his eyes
He said, "do you wanna know the truth, son?"
"Lord, I'll tell you the truth"
are reminiscent of Colonel Jessep's snapping in his defense in A Few Good Men (the picture is a still from the film)
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Well, you forgot the question mark but I'll close my eyes! :D
In fairness to me, there’s no question mark in the title in the lyric book, the back cover of Seventh Son, or the front cover of the CIPWM single, so you can open your eyes again!

Clue #1: A lyric from this song echoes the title of a hit single by another metal band from the early 2000s