Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

All incorrect, friendos.

Clue #1: tsaeB ehT fO rebmuN ehT
Clue #2: Post-Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

Guesses: Still Life/Out of the Shadows/Sign of the Cross
Empire of the Clouds
reading the first two clues as "wrong direction shit" :ahhh:

No, but again, I like your thinking. :lol:

Clue #1: tsaeB ehT fO rebmuN ehT
Clue #2: Post-Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Clue #3: The Miracle

Guesses: Still Life/Out of the Shadows/Sign of the Cross/Dream of Mirrors/The Nomad/Empire of the Clouds/Holy Smoke
The Clairvoyant

Black Bart wins again. *rolls eyes* :lol:

Clue #1: tsaeB ehT fO rebmuN ehT

The opening (bass) riff of The Clairvoyant is basically the same as The Number of the Beast's, only backwards.

Clue #2: Post-Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

The Clairvoyant comes after Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (song) on Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (album), and was released as a single after the album was released.

Clue #3: The Miracle

An album by Queen. Derek Riggs claims that Queen pinched the idea for that album's art from his art for The Clairvoyant single.