Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

The Apparition

Clue #1: dream theater > "in a world of delusion" (the world being, as old Bill says, "a stage" or a theater)
Clue #2: Simple Minds> sang "Don't you (forget about me)" : "I believe that there are some that must have lived before..........don't you ?
Clue #3: in medias res > a Latin phrase which means "into the middle of things", which is how the song starts, i.e without an intro.
Clue #4: The Prophecy > also contains the lyrics "life after death"
Clue #5: Slumdog Millionaire > "... I know all the answers"
Clue #6: The Wild Life (1984) > "If you want a straight answer go look for one..........right now" - an embryo to the Van Halen song "Right Now" can be heard in the soundtrack to this movie (the soundtrack being partly written by EVH)
Clue #7: Here I stand/ Look around around around... > first line of Queen's "Now I'm Here" // "Now I'm here, can you see me?"
Clue #8: Skid Row, in the twilight zone? "Here I am, can you see me?" ("Here I am" is on SR's self-titled debut, "oh oh oh can you see me?" is a line from Maiden's single "Twilight Zone")
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Clue #1: The Apparition
Clue #2: Into The Black

Incorrect guesses: The Apparition, Afraid To Shoot Strangers, Purgatory
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Clue #1: The Apparition
Clue #2: Into The Black
Clue #3: The Calling

Incorrect guesses: The Apparition, Afraid To Shoot Strangers, Purgatory, Starblind, Out Of The Shadows, Paschendale, The Number Of The Beast
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Clue #1: The Apparition
Clue #2: Into The Black
Clue #3: The Calling
Clue #4: Kyrie Eleison
Clue #5: Kiss Of Death

Incorrect guesses: The Apparition, Afraid To Shoot Strangers, Purgatory, Starblind, Out Of The Shadows, Paschendale, The Number Of The Beast, Stranger In A Strange Land, Speed Of Light, Ghost Of The Navigator, Still Life, Strange World