Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue the first: a large inflatable sphere, bigger than a watermelon, smaller than a beachball.
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Clue the first: a large inflatable sphere, bigger than a watermelon, smaller than a beachball.
Clue the second: Fat les.
Clue the third: Methods of transport for the monarch of the United Kingdom.

Hall of shame:
Weekend Warrior, The Wicker Man, Coming Home, Death or Glory, The Talisman, The Prisoner, Hallowed be thy Name.
Clue the first: a large inflatable sphere, bigger than a watermelon, smaller than a beachball.
Clue the second: Fat les.
Clue the third: Methods of transport for the monarch of the United Kingdom.
Clue the fourth: The final bite of the second slice of, in my opinion the finest pie on Maiden's proverbial windowledge.

Hall of shame:
Weekend Warrior, The Wicker Man, Coming Home, Death or Glory, The Talisman, The Prisoner, Hallowed be thy Name, The Angel and the Gambler, Gangland, Lightening Strikes Twice, Man on the Edge.

Pastry code has been sorely lacking from guess the song.