Guess The Iron Maiden Song!


Clue #1: Captain Darling's last wishes
Clue #2: peace on Earth and end to war
Clue #3: dark figures move and twist?
Clue #4: trampled underfoot :(
Clue #5: yesterday, you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
Clue #6:

Clue #7: Lie to me*
Clue #8: disc 10 out of 10
Clue #9: sung by Blaze on both tours
Clue #10: and you like it

Incorrect guesses: 1) Paschendale/ 2) The Talisman/ 3) Heaven Can Wait/ 4)The Trooper/ 5) Lord of the Flies/ 6) Fortunes of War/ 7) Ghost of the Navigator/ 8) The Legacy/ 9) The Clansman/ 10) Invaders/ 11) Wasting Love/ 12) Out of the Shadows/ 13) The Longest Day/ 14) Out of the Silent Planet/ 15) Quest For Fire/ 16) Judgement of Heaven/ 17) The Number of the Beast/ 18) When The Wild Wind Blows/ 19) Brighter Than A Thousand Suns/ 20) For The Greater Good of God/ 21) No More Lies/ 22) Lord of Light/ 23) Children of the Damned/ 24) Mother Russia/ 25) Fates Warning/ 26) 2 A.M/ 27) Back in the Village

Clue #1: Captain Darling's last wishes > "marry Doris" is part of Captain Darling's last wishes in the last episode of the series Blackadder, and the song was inspired by the death of British psychic Doris Stokes.
Clue #2: peace on Earth and end to war > a line from Queen's "The Miracle", whose sleeve cover was, according to Derek Riggs, ripped off his idea for the Clairvoyant single.
Clue #3: dark figures move and twist? > "is it me or (= the question mark) is it shadows that are dancing on the wall"
Clue #4: trampled underfoot :( > The Clairvoyant single was released a little time after Donington '88 (and featured songs recorded at the event), during which two spectators were sadly crushed to death, apparently during DLR's set, and unbeknownst to the Maiden guys.
Clue #5: yesterday, you told me 'bout the blue blue sky > a line from Savage Garden's "Lemon Tree", which is itself preceded by "I wonder how, I wonder why...". Swap the place of the relative pronouns, and you've got a line from "The Clairvoyant".
Clue #6:
"when it's time to meet the maker"
Clue #7: Lie to me* > "just by looking through your eyes, he can [...] see the truth and see your lies"
Clue #8: disc 10 out of 10 > cf The First Ten Years cds and maxi-singles
Clue #9: sung by Blaze on both tours > self-explanatory
Clue #10: and you like it > this is what Bruce says after introducing the song on Maiden England