Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Heaven Can Wait.

I am thinking of the lines "I don't feel ready there's so much left undone" and I can't believe that really my time has come"
Heaven Can Wait.

I am thinking of the lines "I don't feel ready there's so much left undone" and I can't believe that really my time has come"
Good thinking, but no. ;)

Clue #1: Captain Darling's last wishes
Clue #2: peace on Earth and end to war

Incorrect guesses: Paschendale/ The Talisman/ Heaven Can Wait/ The Trooper/ Lord of the Flies
That's four guesses and nine in total, so now you have to post 2 new clues, @Black Bart :)
Got it! :)

Clue #1: Captain Darling's last wishes
Clue #2: peace on Earth and end to war
Clue #3: dark figures move and twist?
Clue #4: trampled underfoot :(

Incorrect guesses: 1) Paschendale/ 2) The Talisman/ 3) Heaven Can Wait/ 4)The Trooper/ 5) Lord of the Flies/ 6) Fortunes of War/ 7) Ghost of the Navigator/ 8) The Legacy/ 9) The Clansman