Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

(No worries, the clues after these ones will be text clues)

Clue #2:

Previous Clues:

Clue #1:

Incorrect Guesses:
Flight Of Icarus, Powerslave, Juanita, The Book Of Souls
Only thing I’m seeing in these is that they’re on the longer side and they’re album closers (and I love ‘em), so Empire of the Clouds? Does share a riff with Legacy
Damn, you got it!

Rime, Legacy and Empire are (as you pointed out) all epics and album closers. Rime was written by Steve alone, Empire by Bruce alone (Clue #3 would've emphasized that).

Furthermore, Empire features a riff very similar to the Legacy. But the main reason I decided to go for Empire is because of the intro. The first 5 notes of the song are identical to the first 5 notes of Rime, even in the same key (G F# E D E).

Congrats @Deadeye21 , your turn!

Excellent @Deadeye21. Here we go with the next one:

Clue 1:
A now legendary band (that have been active for about the same period as Maiden) released an album with a similar name to this Maiden song early in their career. This band started out under another name. Their original name was the last line of the Maiden song you are looking for.