Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #8: So, the song doesn't appear on a live album nor on a studio album. This only leaves B-Sides, right? Well, the B-Side we are looking for does not appear on the Best Of The 'B' Sides album either.

Previous Clues:

Clue #1:
The guitarist in this song must've been a fan of Adam Neely, for he truly took the adage "Repetition legitimizes" to heart.

Clue #2: The vocalist of this song on the other hand must've been an ardent follower of the Chaos God Khorne, for he, in a way, fully embraced the saying "Blood for the Blood God". It is arguable if the vocalist can be considered the lyricist of this song.

Clue #3:

Clue #4: The war is over but sport is eternal!

Clue #5: The song we are looking for is the longest track on its release. Addendum to #4, the mentioned war is the Gulf War.

Clue #6: The song does not appear on any live albums. As far as I'm aware it has never been played live either.

Clue #7: Not only does the song not appear on live albums, in fact it doesn't appear on studio albums either.

Incorrect Guesses: Transylvania, Iron Maiden, Another Life, Killers, Revelations, Losfer Words, The Duellists, Back In The Village, Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, Deja Vu, Alexander The Great, Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son, Afraid To Shoot Strangers, Weekend Warrior, Space Station No. 5, Roll Over Vic Vella, Sign Of The Cross, The Angel And The Gambler, The Educated Fool, The Nomad, The Red And The Black, Empire Of The Clouds, The Parchment
Clue #1: The guitarist in this song must've been a fan of Adam Neely, for he truly took the adage "Repetition legitimizes" to heart.

Clue #2: The vocalist of this song on the other hand must've been an ardent follower of the Chaos God Khorne, for he, in a way, fully embraced the saying "Blood for the Blood God". It is arguable if the vocalist can be considered the lyricist of this song.

Clue #3:

Clue #4: The war is over but sport is eternal!

Clue #5: The song we are looking for is the longest track on its release. Addendum to #4, the mentioned war is the Gulf War.
Clue #1: Janick's playing the same blues riff for 8 minutes.

Clue #2: Bruce says the word "bloody" more than a hundred times.

Clue #3: There's a line about how Bruce's character didn't know that "he" could read or write.

Clue #4: The Gulf War and Afraid To Shoot Strangers are mentioned in the song. Bruce remarks that there should be more songs about Golf, for people play Golf every year.

Clue #5: Bit of a misdirection, but true nonetheless. The song appears on some versions of Be Quick Or Be Dead and is with 8:05 the longest track on there.

Clues #6, #7 and #8 are self explanatory.
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I'm quite sure this is a song about Nicko... or by Nicko... or a track where Nicko is talking to boys and girls about the fact that he is the nicest one and bla bla bla... :p

But, in the same time, it could be related to the creation of Iron Maiden... So, is the song to guess called "Iron Maiden" ? :D
Clue #1: Ho Ho Ho...
Clue #2:
View attachment 32640
Clue #3: That Part Beyond The Tower

Incorrect guesses: Iron Maiden/ Holy Smoke/ Listen with Nicko Part IV/ The Red and the Black/ Montsegur/ Alexander The Great
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