Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue 1:
This song’s origins pre-dates the album on which it was released with several years.

Bruce's words to "Run Silent Run Deep" were leftovers from the SiT sessions.

Clue 2:
The song lyrics use a variation of a metaphor the band had used before.

The image of "a cunning fox in the chicken's lair" also appeared in Back in the Village ("a fox among the chickens").

Clue 3:
In terms of both subject matter and inspiration, the song is definitely not an outlier in the Maiden catalogue.

War, inspired by film.

All eyes on @Vaenyr for new clues now.
Alrighty, let's get this started my friends.

Clue #1: The guitarist in this song must've been a fan of Adam Neely, for he truly took the adage "Repetition legitimizes" to heart.
Clue #2: The vocalist of this song on the other hand must've been an ardent follower of the Chaos God Khorne, for he, in a way, fully embraced the saying "Blood for the Blood God". It is arguable if the vocalist can be considered the lyricist of this song.

Previous Clues:

Clue #1:
The guitarist in this song must've been a fan of Adam Neely, for he truly took the adage "Repetition legitimizes" to heart.

Incorrect Guesses: Transylvania, Iron Maiden, Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, The Angel And The Gambler
Clue #3:

Previous Clues:

Clue #1:
The guitarist in this song must've been a fan of Adam Neely, for he truly took the adage "Repetition legitimizes" to heart.

Clue #2: The vocalist of this song on the other hand must've been an ardent follower of the Chaos God Khorne, for he, in a way, fully embraced the saying "Blood for the Blood God". It is arguable if the vocalist can be considered the lyricist of this song.

Incorrect Guesses: Transylvania, Iron Maiden, Another Life, Killers, Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, The Angel And The Gambler, The Red And The Black