Ancient Mariner
Wow. My favorite album ever won!!! 
Thanks for this great game @LooseCannon . It has been very fun and very interesting!

Thanks for this great game @LooseCannon . It has been very fun and very interesting!

I'm glad you enjoy this one! The title track alone is magnificent, but it's a great album. Symphony X has been one of my personal big "finds" from the past couple of years.The album which I found from the game was: Symphony X - The Odyssey
Also glad you like this. UTA is another one of my new faves, and I'm really glad sharing them in this game led to more fans of their work. For a small band that's a big victory!Cool song from the game: Unleash The Archers - ''Awakening''
Yeah, I know. Part of it is that we had a mushy middle for about 1/2 of the game, then the albums that came in after were all progressively better each league, which didn't give much chance to shine. I'm not sure how to address that while being "fair" - IE, if I tossed some of the lower multi-list albums into the earlier leagues, doesn't it just make favourites?think the weighted seeding on some albums was 100% necessary, most of the top 32 definitely arrived in the game at pretty much the right time. But maybe there was too many good albums that arrived too late and never got a chance to get a run going. Killing is my Buisiness and The Real Thing had really good runs, which gave people a good chance of checking them out, but better albums by both bands only ended up with a round or two. Crimson Glory was a band I discovered because they got a decent run, if it had been one song and out, I would have only gave one song a listen and dismissed them as Queensryche wannabes to my own detriment. I realise that this is on me for only checking out the sample tracks.
I can only imagine that @Perun is smiling as he reads this.Atlantean Kodex - The Course of Empire
I believe a lot of us agree this was one of the greatest findings here. All the songs are just amazing (the title track drags a bit) and incredibly well crafted. I'm a massive fan of that big, powerful drum sound. Fantastic lyrics as well.
I think it would've been incredibly poetic.Personally, I think it’s pretty awesome that you would cast the deciding vote in a game that you’ve put so much work into.
Sabbat - Dreamweaver
This is the one that got stuck in my head the most. The lyrics here are superb, and the songs are pure thrash gold. And surprisingly catchy too! It does fall off a bit in the last two songs but they are great as well. I also really loved History of a Time to Come but this one takes the cake.
That said, if anyone has ideas for how to avoid this in 2024, I'm listening.
You seem to be looking for the original 1980s releases then?Yep that's another one I intend to pick up and A History of Time to Come, they've just been at take the piss prices the couple of times I've checked ebay.
You seem to be looking for the original 1980s releases then?
Tsk tsk tsk.Missed the finale. My vote would have tied it.