AC/DC - Another AC/DC classic, Highway to Hell, Shot Down in Flames, Touch Too Much, If You Want Blood, Night Prowler are all classics, and the rest are a high standard too., with Get It Hot and Love Hungry Man leaning more towards the filler end of the spectrum.
Iron Maiden - opinion given before. Ah come on with the choice of track though
@LooseCannon I hope that was just a mistake and you meant to post the real version (which isn't a lot better to be fair

AC/DC with the win, I think even Steve Harris would probably vote the same way.
Opeth - I gave this a listen this time, as unlike the last round this one kicked off with the sort of stuff they do that I like, it's real frustrating listening to these as on the evidence of what I've heard about half there stuff is great stuff I could really get on board with and the other half is totally anathema to me, and often thats two halves of the same song!
U.F.O. - opinion given before
U.F.O. with the win
Iced Earth - Music not bad, vocal not awful either but quite hammy delivery. Entire vibe is quite different from what I would usually expect from these, almost like extreme metal played tighter and polished up a bit production wise, definitely the best of their stuff that's appeared in the game, it sounds like a band putting their own stamp on something whereas a lot of their other stuff wears it's influences too obviously on it's sleeves.
Motorhead - opinion given before
Motorhead with the win
Stratovarius - One of the worst band names in metal. I heard an album by these back in the day, can't remember which one and it was pretty shit, when this track kicked in it was a lot, lot better than what I'd heard before, more like Queensryche with a lot of keys added, and the keys are quite tasteful. I fully expected to be posting some snarky remarks when I hit play but this is actually real good.
Rush - Track won't appear for me, opinion given before
Fuck it I'm going to take a risk and throw
Stratovarius a bone on this one, I would usually vote for Rush up against a band I don't know, but I don't have Hemispheres and have only given it a listen after an earlier round, of the tracks I know La Villa Strangiato is great but I dislike The Trees, plus Stratovarius have come off the blocks with a strong track and given I'm usually prejudiced against Euro power metal must mean it's a decent track. I'll hold my hands up afterwards if it turns out the rest of the album is rubbish