Hey guys,
I was wrong to act the way I did the other day towards Judas - lashing out like that was below the standards I set for myself in this community. While there are reasons - which I won't share publicly, though people are welcome to reach out - please know that I am ashamed to have been so openly frustrated. I deeply and sincerely apologize to Judas and the community. I'm sorry, and I'll do better.
My ask as we continue this game is that we consider other people's opinions. Music is very personal for a lot of people, and while I - and others - know that most opinions shared here are done so with the right spirit, the words don't always convey that. A little tact can change a statement that appears dismissive into one that is merely opinion.
Anyway, I'll get this game back on track now.
Hey there,
I got contacted by
@Ariana outside the forum and I came back even before I read this.
I appreciate this and thank you, I know it's not easy to write something like this. I accept the apology and I understand.
And - especially on Ash Wednesday - let me be honest and clear - I’m not saying I’m not at fault altogether: I admit that I can be salty, harsh, provocative, abrasive. And yes, when I can go against the current, I genuinely revel in that, because I consider that to be a part of the search of the truth. You know,
advocatus diaboli and so on. And yes, I admit I somewhat like being a provocateur.
Not all of that is necessary just my character, but like I hinted at in my posts, I feel as if I come under a lot of fire in general (not just around here), because of my philosophy, beliefs or even musical preferences etc (e.g. like everyone hates on Fear of the Dark and everyone - even outside the metal fandom - keep praising The Number of the Beast). Might make me harsher and more argumentative. Sorry if it's too much from time to time.
Also sorry for being too negative, not my intention. It's just a sports-team trash-talk, right? I usually am much more of a positive-thinking person, but competitions like these do not really help with that.
But also like I said before, I believe there is an objective truth and beauty and we must strive to find it. And I admit I might often do that in a wrong way, I get provocative too much, aggressive too much. In the end I'm probably not always setting the best standard for the fellow man.
I'm genuinely sorry if you're having a hard time you're hinting at - won't be inquisitive if you don't feel like sharing - but I will be praying for you (for what might that mean to you), wish you well and I also hope you haven't come under too much fire because you lost your nerve here, it happens.
I will be probably less active in the following few weeks, because of Lent, but I'll keep coming back.
I genuinely appreciate the work you do here and I imagine it can be a bitch.