Ancient Mariner
brutal death metal albums
I always get a cheap laugh out of this, as in Dublin vernacular if something is brutal it means it's terrible, awful, shit etc.
brutal death metal albums
If some prog geek band beats Machine Head I'm officially going to put a knife through the next football that comes into my back garden! You damn kids!
To answer your question, I’d say Out Of The Cellar is about a half step down from those top-tier albums because it’s a little simpler. I like it better than Defenders Of The Faith because it’s more consistent than that album, but I don’t like it quite as much as the Metallica, Maiden, and Dokken albums from the same year. The rhythm and lead work are fantastic, the vocal lines are great, and the songwriting vascillates between strong and great. The lyrics are a bit silly in places, for sure. But yes, I think that anyone who gives it a fair listen should hear its value.
2.) Burn > In Rock > Stormbringer > Fireball > Machine Head. Sorry, but a lot of the stuff on that album was better done live (the studio versions sound somewhat sterile) and Pictures of Home and Never Before is not enough.
I always get a cheap laugh out of this, as in Dublin vernacular if something is brutal it means it's terrible, awful, shit etc.
Problem is it seems you missed the definition of melody (source by definition includes melody. Look it up. Growlers aren’t singing when they’re growling.
Yeah I thought In Rock was just... passable, while Machine Head was much more interesting,
Machine Head also rules but truly I still prefer In Rock. Nevertheless they're my two favorite Purple albums by a large margin.In Rock has never had a huge following here. I think Machine Head will fare better.
Curious... being a Latin word (it derives from "Brutus") in Portuguese slang it means exceptional, outstanding, mind blowing. And it's also written "brutal" (although spoken slightly different).I always get a cheap laugh out of this, as in Dublin vernacular if something is brutal it means it's terrible, awful, shit etc.
I think this is what most people miss about growling: the best growlers are changing notes. Sure, maybe not as frequently as a clean singer, but they are not literally just belching out the same pitch over and over again because that would sound terrible. Some growlers don’t have tonal variations, and thus, are not very good growlers (this is actually why I don’t like most black metal scream/wailing: I don’t often hear pitch or tonal variations).b) tone variations: as much it may amaze you THE VAST MAJORITY OF GROWLERS ALSO DO TONAL VARIATIONS! No matter how short they are: 1 semi tone up or down or one tone.
Thanx Judas: I think that pretty much sums it up.So yes, technically speaking, even "melodyless" rapping has a melody. Growling has a melody. Watermill clapping has a melody.
Problem is it seems you missed the definition of melody (source
So in other words singing implies:
- the succession of single tones in musical compositions, as distinguished from harmony and rhythm.
- the principal part in a harmonic composition; the air.
- a rhythmical succession of single tones producing a distinct musical phrase or idea.
a) rhythm: growlers have it.
b) tone variations: as much it may amaze you THE VAST MAJORITY OF GROWLERS ALSO DO TONAL VARIATIONS! No matter how short they are: 1 semi tone up or down or one tone.
So once again it comes down to one thing: your personal taste. It's the same when I listen to really old people saying "Dio and Dickinson? These guys don't sing... they shout and scream!". If we take the "singing" definition in account this approach is as incorrect as yours. And that my friend is not an opinion.
I don't know... what do Zare says?Wait, did you miss the memo? It's only melody when Zare says it is. Sorry, nice try
I don't know... what do Zare says?
Rappers do not sing. I can't believe how many times I'll hear this b.s.
I do not know what kind of a language you all speak but in mine both pitch variation and infliction are standard. If I were to record my speech I would find the pedantic definition of melody there. Rap is human speech in a lingual flow. "The music" comes from this flow having a rhythmic relation to the background track.
The problem is defining artsy stuff via stiff written definitions.
Colour is the interpretation of photon's wavelenght as it hits the sensor in the eye. How many wavelenghts are there? As many as you want, infinite. So if I put a dash of white, then two dashes of white, and follow it up with a white background, actually the three whites can be "of a different colour" and while all you see is a white painting in front of you, one might declare it as "colourful"
So how many pitch changes in a structure does it take to form a melody? And where those pitches need to be in the spectrum?
Interval between E2 and F2 is 5Hz. Interval between E4 and F4 is 20Hz.
You can traverse 5Hz by saying "oh-oh" in typical movie way. It's not singing.
I disagree. Many of them sing since they construct pattern like tonal shifts (even if slight ones). There may be exceptions but I'm really detached from modern rap (and by modern I mean post early 90's!). I don't even listen to it so I don't know. I liked Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, House Of pain, Public Enemy some Beasty Boys as well as some Rap Metal acts such as Clawfinger and Senser. And as far as I'm concerned I considered every single one of those MC's singers (especially Everlast from HOP... what a voice!).Dude, like four posts above![]()
Well... when we're looking for definitions of a term I'm not looking for them on a Pizza Hut menu am I?I love how you guys unironically throw dictionary definitions at each other.
Yes.So in other words singing implies:
a) rhythm: growlers have it.
I think there’s a misunderstanding here. By this definition you could claim that Suicidal Tendencies’ “Institutionalized” is singing rather than spoken word because of the inflection changes. But he never holds a tone in that song, not even once, and he’s technically rapping the chorus.b) tone variations: as much it may amaze you THE VAST MAJORITY OF GROWLERS ALSO DO TONAL VARIATIONS! No matter how short they are: 1 semi tone up or down or one tone.
I love how you guys unironically throw dictionary definitions at each other.
I disagree. Many of them sing since they construct pattern like tonal shifts (even if slight ones). There may be exceptions but I'm really detached from modern rap (and by modern I mean post early 90's!). I don't even listen to it so I don't know. I liked Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, House Of pain, Public Enemy some Beasty Boys as well as some Rap Metal acts such as Clawfinger and Senser. And as far as I'm concerned I considered every single one of those MC's singers (especially Everlast from HOP... what a voice!).