This Whitesnake album has 3 indisputable all-time classics on it, and it’s got consistently great riffage and pretty good soloing. Unfortunately, the songwriting on the rest of the album is pretty uneven, and it dips into absolute cheese with dreck like “Straight For The Heart” and “Don’t Turn Away”. Meanwhile,
Nostradamus registers far less cheese per hour, has a compelling overarching story, and has a large number of strong tracks, even if it never achieves the heights of its competitor. If this were the Greatest Three Songs On A Metal Album Cup,
Whitesnake would win this match hands down — but comparing them full album to full album, the calculation comes out differently. Sorry,
@Kalata, but I have to go with
@Night Prowler ’s nominee here.
Winner: Judas Priest
I don’t think I’ve heard this Krokus album since the year it came out, when my older brother would blast it in the car on a regular basis. I actually remembered “Eat The Rich” and “Screaming In The Night” pretty well, and the rest of the album was surprisingly good too. This comes off like Bon Scott era AC/DC crossed with early 80s Judas Priest. The singer gets a bit grating in places and the production isn’t so hot, but the songwriting and guitar work are generally pretty great here. The Rainbow album is fine, but Krokus consistently has more fire and zing, and is ultimately more to my taste. Plus, fuck Rainbow for eliminating Powerwolf’s
Lupus Dei. Congratulations,
@Kalata, your nominee takes this one.
Winner: Krokus
This Ensiferum album is much like their last one in the GMAC — folk metal, super-cheesy power metal, and black metal vocals slapped together without actually working together. I didn’t get it then, and I still don’t get it now. Plus, that borderline disco interlude in “Two Of Spades” should be disqualifying all on its own. But then you put it up against the only true turd in the Maiden studio catalog,
Virtual XI.
@Niall Kielt, what’s wrong with you, man? You really couldn’t come up with 25 metal albums that were better than these two?!

The only solace I can take here is that no matter which album I pick, you will still lose...LOL. It pains me to say it, but
Virtual XI is more consistent and less cheesy than this other hot mess. Jesus, Niall...
Winner: Iron Maiden
...and I will vote for my own nominee in the last match for reasons
previously discussed.
Winner: Mekong Delta