One more thing, in case someone is interested: I am aware that voting for albums and only listening one song can be a bit problematic. Some (very few) albums I know, some are in the Cup for a long time, so I get to hear many of the songs, but usually I only hear a song or two during the Cup. That obviously means the votes aren't comparable to one another. However, I prefer to listen to one song properly rather than listening to a lot of beginnings and skipping, that really isn't my style. A massive percentage of these albums are unknown to me, and I'd like to learn about the bands and their music, so listening to one song is pretty much all I can concentrate on. (This was an explanation and not a defence, noticed it may sound like it, but isn't.)
Don't you wish listening to the Maidenfans Greatest Metal Album Cup could be your job, so you had the time to do it properly?

Sitting here on a quiet Sunday morning, this round got all the attention it needed. Others rounds I've rushed and some I've missed entirely.
But I'm still thoroughly enjoying this.