I'm just glad that in general we don't decide
solely according to Metal Archives, who are idiots. Sorry, but their picks are
completely arbitrary - relatively recently they deleted all the medieval metal bands (In Extremo, Subway to Sally, Schandmaul), because not enough metal, they never had System of a Down or Rammstein, because not enough metal, but then they put there Purple and Rush. Just because.
They actually admit to it in the FAQ - that their selection is admittedly arbitrary and you don't get to complain. Well, thank you, anonymous internet people who registered that domain.
I voted against Rush because I hate the f*** band (after I loved them for a short time, to be clear), I voted for Floyd because I love them. Although both are ridiculous as "metal", tbh.
Anyway, I voted for
Maiden - I might consider DOD to be really uneven, but I'd vote for the worst Maiden album against Ghost. Heck, I'd vote for 99% of metal albums in general against that wankers. I'd vote for Rush against them. Heck, I'd vote for a
penile fracture over the band that released Kiss the Go-Goat.
I don't care about either of the albums in the second pairing, but
Coroner are probably closer to being consistently enjoyable.
Primordial - again, not my favourite album, but one of the bands that should get really high in any metal cup.
Running Wild - not only I'm for all things pirate, but also they're against Rush, so...
oh and
I would probably vote for a dead mosquito over Rush.
Thank you, you always warm my heart

I voted for Alter Bridge, you know?