GREATEST METAL ALBUM CUP - Winner: Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son!

If Riot was a hockey player, they’d be that scrappy 3rd line winger who didn’t score much but kept his elbows up in the corners, poked at goalies after whistles and hammered anyone who looked sideways at your star. They ain’t great but I got room for them on my team.

I like persefone except for when the gutteral stuff comes in. I’m not sure Ive met any band other than Opeth that pushes me over that hump, but I respect these guys. Riot gets my vote for the fun factor, but I’d be OK giving Persefone another shot.
Was that video a mashup of their work, or does their work actually fade in and out of segments within the same “song”.

It's a mashup video featuring samples from the songs on the record. The album's very good, it's on YouTube with the title Sympathize with Your Phantasy.
I'm sick of Deafheaven already and I didn't hate the Bewitched track, so, Bewitched.
I thought Ophelia was appealing, even though it doesn't really sound like metal to me.
Darkthrone sounds terrible, but at least they weren't lame. The Ozzy record is lame.
Persefone shouldn't have won the last round, and Riot's Fire Down Under is a true classic, just a terrific record, glad to see it in the game.
Bewitched is like a who's who of all your favorite NWOBHM bands mixed into one meh package. You got the heavy metal riffs, the twin guitar leads, the catchy hooks. There are several licks that I feel are directly lifted from Maiden and Saxon. I don't really understand the need for music like this. It isn't as good as the original and doesn't add anything new to the table. It lacks the energy and spirit of original NWOBHM. Also the vocals are ridiculous. They make Joakim sound like a real vocalist. The weird mix between death metal growls and a more thrash rasp is just awkward and doesn't fit the music at all. Meeeeeeeeeh.

I remember thinking New Bermuda was a much more exciting album than Sunbather when it first came out, not that long ago. Revisiting it about 5 years later and my opinion remains. This album is much more raw and a little more metal, but it is still insanely melodic and catchy. The vocals coexist with the music better and the riffs hit harder. The more melodic/mellow moments are devastatingly beautiful. It's everything Bewitched is not. Creative, interesting, memorable. No reason why Deafheaven shouldn't run away with this one.
I’m loving going in cold, then reading the posts, seeing the similarities and differences between your takes and mine, and nodding at both.
You guys are worth reading. Great game @LooseCannon
Enjoying this as well. Cool way of discovering new music and revisiting old favorites.
I’m loving going in cold, then reading the posts, seeing the similarities and differences between your takes and mine, and nodding at both.
You guys are worth reading. Great game @LooseCannon
Enjoying this as well. Cool way of discovering new music and revisiting old favorites.
Glad you're enjoying! The point is definitely to get people exposed to different musical styles, maybe find something new that you like, but to put it in smaller packets so that people don't feel the pressure to listen to all the albums. That's why I don't care what the voting justification is.
I just want to say it's not a good sign for Bewitched when the first thing I do when listening is turn the volume down. Good metal should make me want to blow my ears out. Fairly standard thrash with an undertalented vocalist. It's not bad at all. The chorus has me bobbing right? I'd listen to more of this. Loses a bit for having a riff that rips off Revelations, though. Deafheaven just doesn't do it for me, sorry guys. Not even a little bit. Bewitched.

Ophelia is at least interesting. I'm not sure how much I like what they're doing but I can stand it a lot more than I can stand Children of Bodom. Ophelia.

I'm not a black metal fan, at all, but I've been listening to a lot more recently at the local bar (until Covid, of course), and I've heard a little Darkthrone, and I can tell why this one's considered a classic. It's clearly defining in the genre. There's a lot of interesting stuff happening here. It's definitely a case of "I wish I liked this style of vocal more" because it's the one thing that disengages me from the listen. But man, there's a lot of cool stuff here. Ozzy's album, as noted, has one or two pretty darn good songs, but it's not interesting. It's just...Ozzy. I mean...I'm gonna vote for Darkthrone.
Which surprises the hell out of me, but I really am enjoying the music, if not the vocals.

This leaves me with Riot, which has a pretty standard hair metal style album, versus Persefone. I've listened to a bit of Persefone over the past bit, actually, having enjoyed Aathma a lot so far. Riot is good and decent, but I really think Persefone has more here. Persefone.
Great call on incorporating non-Maidenfan suggested albums into the game, @LooseCannon. It has already resulted in me discovering two albums that I'm certain to revisit that I wouldn't have heard otherwise.
That was the hope! I also assumed that some metal classics would get the nod on lists that might be missed on Maidenfans, and I was right. Also, I wanted some stupid stuff that people would go "what the fuck is that doing here!?" so we could enjoy making fun of it together. But so far, every album has had some defenders. Even Korn.
I saw Papa Roach on the Maidenfans list, so it’s possible that the worst album came from the inside.

I like the non-Maidenfans lists because some stuff comes up that I like but didn’t nominate because this forum isn’t the crowd for it and I didn’t want to waste a nom.
Well we're just getting started. It's pretty evident that some of the stuff that comes from lists only will tear through a few levels of Maidenfans-nominated albums. I think Death's album can go really deep.
Kind of raging that I didn't nominate one or two of my favourite obscure albums instead of being honest and picking my actual top albums. The Devil's Blood for instance have a couple of albums way better than a lot of what's been featured so far.

It's not like SSOASS or Powerslave were depeneding on my nomination LOL