GREATEST METAL ALBUM CUP - Winner: Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son!

King Diamond - Song sounds good, don't have time to check out more than the track given, but unfortunately I wouldn't even be voting for Abigail ahead of Led Zep II

Led Zep - opinion given before

Led Zeppelin with the win

Kreator - a band I like and an album I have, a decent record, but I prefer the period around Extreme Aggression/Coma of Souls, similar to King Diamond a tough draw for them

Pink Floyd - opinion given before

Pink Floyd
with the win

Bruce Dickinson - a solid album, there is probably nothing I outright dislike on it but most tracks are just in the 7/10 range

Nosferatu - just gave the track a quick scan as I know I'd be voting for Bruce, generic power metal but less histrionic sounding than a lot of the similar bands who have been in the game

Bruce with the win

Satyricon - nah not for me

Porcupine Tree - as with the last round, I can't make up my mind if this is a brit pop band flirting with a bit more edgier stuff, or a metal band who's a bit ashamed of metal and is flirting with brit pop. Not bad, but not anything I'd play by choice. Solo very good.

Porcupine Tree with the win.
While I didn’t like this King Diamond album quite as much as Conspiracy, it had a lot of the same elements that I enjoyed in that album as well — consistently strong guitar work, mildly progressive songwriting, and an intriguing overall style. Diamond’s screechy vocals still take a little getting used to, but they’re miles better than most of the vocalists in the game to date. Meanwhile, Led Zeppelin II has a few classics and a lot of filler. Have to go with @Dityn DJ James ’s choice here. Winner: King Diamond

Hadn’t heard any Kreator before, and while the singer is a typically bad thrash vocalist, the music is consistently great thrash. (We also get a brief respite of clean vocals on “World Anarchy”, which was nice.) The Pink Floyd album has great music and OK vocals, but I think on the whole I would prefer to listen to Kreator. Sorry, @Night Prowler, but I’m going with @Black Wizard ’s nominee here. Winner: Kreator

This Bloodbound album is so derivative it’s a complete joke. I don’t hear the slightest shred of originality here, just a collection of musical bits recycled from other, better bands. Although Balls To Picasso is one of Bruce’s weaker solo efforts, it does have a distinctive sound, and most of it is pretty good, and it of course has his signature classic “Tears Of The Dragon“ on it. Sorry, @Kalata, but @Forostar ’s nominee takes this one easily. Winner: Bruce Dickinson

Satyricon is more badly produced Gollum-vocalled blast beat black metal bullshit. There were a few nice passages in there, like at the end of “The King Of The Shadowthrone”, and most of “I En Svart Kiste”, but the rest is a giant pile of why bother. While the Porcupine Tree album only toys with a few metal elements, it’s still a great album throughout. Sorry, @Magnus, but I have to go with @Lampwick 43 ’s nominee here. Winner: Porcupine Tree
This has to be the least metal round yet.

I like Led Zeppelin II far better than The Eye but I am voting for it anyway. Why? Because in the rules it says I can vote "for any qualification." My criteria is that I don't vote for albums named with Roman numerals in the title. (Sorry X Factor.)

Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here is clearly an all-time metal classic. Now there's that look in your eye, like two black holes in the sky.

You may surprised to hear this, but Bruce Dickinson is one of my all-time favorite artists. Even a mid-tier effort like Hipgnosis is Too Expensive For Me gets my vote.

Two very different styles of music face-off in the last battle. I'll go with the variety I prefer; Satyricon ascends to The Shadowthrone.
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Some easy votes for me.
Me too. But the exact opposite of yours. :p

King Diamond's vocals are stupid, but he has a good band. Still, Zeppelin is a monster, and the disrespect they get on this forum is a bit baffling. They pioneered the music we all like, and this album (LZII) genuinely kicks ass.

Pink Floyd still isn't metal, but whatever, I like this album and I give up. In fact, I kinda want to see how far they advance.

Most people will vote for Bruce, I presume, but I don't love his solo stuff pre-Accident of Birth, so I'll throw a courtesy vote to Nosferatu, as it is fun and not lame.

The albums in the last pairing could disappear and be forgotten forever and it wouldn't bother me a bit, but I give the slight edge to Steven Wilson, who is overrated as a performer but has done good things with the Jethro Tull remixes, so I give him credit for that.
Firstly I must confess Led Zeppelin's sophomore is my favorite album by the band, one of the best rock albums ever made and I like it significantly more than King Diamond's best works (of which I'm a fan too). That being said The Eye is one of my 3 favorite albums by the King (alongside Conspiracy and Abigail) featuring a ton of great tracks. Opener Eye Of The Witch with its strong but odd time signature sets the tone for what's to be expected for the remainder of the album: great riffage and even better soloing by Mr. LaRoque while Diamonds' great compositions build body narrated by his uncanny voice over a layer sinister keyboards. This is a concept album that deals with the atrocities of the inquisition and that's plain to see in the theatrical and excellent The Trial. As for the remainder of the album it's an almost flawless parade of gorgeous heavy metal sinister yet epic anthems but I would like to highlight some tracks: Burn is a fast and strong as hell piece of metal, Father Pichard's chorus and solo are off the charts while Behind These Walls is an amazing song by itself but that harpsichord propels it to a whole new level. Once again I must confess I like Zepp's album more (Whole Lotta Love, Ramble On, Moby Dick, Heartbreaker, Livin' Loving Maid... come on! This is simply one of the best rock bands ever firing at all cylinders) but since this is a METAL contest I made a decision: any time an amazing METAL album goes against a ROCK album (even if the later is significantly superior as in this case) I'll vote for the metal. Therefore King Diamond gets my vote.

Then we have Wish You Were Here, another of my all time favorite albums that won't get my vote in this game a single time (I won't repeat the reasons why). Regarding Kreator's second album after their 3rd millenium return to Thrash Metal what comes to my mind is that, more than everything, does its job with blistering efficiency and I doubt it left any Kreator fan disappointed (I wasn't). Nevertheless it's quite low profile when put in between two way superior albums in Violent Revolution and Hordes Of Chaos. The title track opens up in classic later 80's Kreator style followed by Impossible Brutality, my favorite song from the lot. World Anarchy is another absolutely intense blast from the past while Voices Of The Dead threads the same path of Thrash meets Melodic metal initiated in the previous album with Replicas Of Life. The guitar work of One Evil Comes is outstanding and the bridge/chorus is intense as hell while The Ancient Plague closes the album sounding as a really well done Thrash Metal interpretation of their experimental Outcast. Enemy Of God would get my vote by default but even so, and taking in account I consider it to be a middle quality regarding the Germans' discography its has a fair number of exciting tracks. Kreator all the way.

This Bloodbound thing is as generic and boring as it gets. On the opposite, Bruce's first album after leaving Maiden is refreshing as it can be. Of course it has some fillers and lacks a bit of consistency but there's lots of juice to be squeezed here. Cyclops is a strong opener: great ambiance building that explodes into a strong chorus. Hell No is a really enjoyable Hard Rock tune that alone is worth all the crap Maiden tried to do in FOTD regarding that genre. And then we get to Gods Of War and man... this song kills! Way more in the heavy metal vein this beast is superbly constructed on a crescendo from the calmness of the verses always increasing weight and intensity till that monstrous chorus blows us out of the room (man... Bruce's voice here is in godlike mode!). 1000 Points Of Light is merely ok while Laughing In The Hiding Bush is another metal song and quite an interesting one. Change Of Heart is the expected ballad: nothing cringe by any means but a bit forgettable. Shoot All The Clowns is a Hard Rock meets Funk excellent composition... apart from Bruce's laughable take on rap in the mid section this track is catchy as it can get. Fire is purely forgettable and Sacred Cowboys has a superb refrain contrasting with lousy verses. Tears Of A Dragon closes the record in stellar mode: a long calm track that explodes into pompous choruses, featuring a remarkable instrumental mid section that besides its quality even goes into uncharted territory like Reggae. Balls To Picasso surely is an unique and great album and the confirmation of a man's yearn for change, although Bruce would return to a much more straight forward metal route in the following record. Nevertheless Bruce Dickinson deserves my vote here without shadow of doubt.

Finally a poor duel. As I stated before i always deeply disliked Satyricon (no matter what phase) and still do. Also as I wrote prior In Absentia is as boring as it gets (unlike other PT albums) but, unlike Satyricon, I can see myself giving it a listen or two before I fall asleep. There you go Porcupine Tree.
I don't really like King Diamond, but Led Zeppelin II is possibly my least favourite of their albums (alongside III).

Since Wiz is absent, I'll take the opportunity to vote for Pink Floyd.

Bruce Dickinson is an easy choice, and his solo albums have now been added to my ever-growing "to listen" list.

Porcupine Tree, despite being boring, are still a quality act.
I've found myself voting for @Magnus nominations a fair bit more than I had expected as I go through this game. Not entirely because I'm in love with the bands suggested, but they are certainly interesting and worthy of being voted for at this middle stage of the game. Maidenfans doesn't always agree, of course, but thems the breaks.
Surprisingly tough choices here.

I don't like King Diamond. But I don't like Zep either. I've now heard pretty many of their songs on this Cup, and I can say there have been a couple of nice ones I could have on my playlist. But the rest of them, no.

The Kreator video was cool. Maybe their music is not quite my thing, but the Pink Floyd example song wasn't very good either. -And hoping Wizard will come back soon! :)

Balls to Picasso: I'm familiar with this whole album. Some songs I really like, Change of Heart for example, which really means a lot to me. But a lot of songs that aren't that good. Bloodbound sounded ok, but I'll go with Bruce.

Satyricon: Now this was interesting. Too rough for me, and the spoken bit in the middle + the music at the very end were so creepy they made me feel uncomfortable. Ended up voting for it anyway, because Porcupine Tree made me even more distressed, and I had to turn off the song in the middle. Why? I'm not sure. The album cover looks very unpleasant, and the song sounded somehow like all hope was lost.
Porcupine Tree made me even more distressed, and I had to turn off the song in the middle. Why? I'm not sure. The album cover looks very unpleasant, and the song sounded somehow like all hope was lost.
Porcupine Tree is a band you should never listen to when your mood's low. The example song here was a simple one about the commercialization of music. It's actually one of the more energetic and upbeat songs on the album.

If you want to give it one more shot, try out the album opener (Blackest Eyes).
The example song here was a simple one about the commercialization of music. It's actually one of the more energetic and upbeat songs on the album.
Oh dear.

Seriously though, glad you let me know I wasn't just hearing things when I felt the music depressive. Perhaps I will try the song you suggested! :)
I'm surprising myself by voting for Zeppelin again, but that does sound so good and authentic. I'm just not a great fan of King Diamond.

Thrash versus Pink Floyd? Pink Floyd, thanks. One of their most consistent and readily listenable albums.

The third pair wasn't an especially easy choice. Not one of my favourite Bruce albums versus slightly generic metal that I nevertheless prefer the style of. Bruce gets it for overall higher quality work.

Porcupine Tree have lots of lovely musical moments. I prefer newer Satyricon stuff. Their fairly simplistic approach to black metal (sounds like only about 2-3 musicians playing....probably is) is still there in the earlier music, though, and is very appealling. Satyricon.
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Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II - Vastly superior album to its competitor and has enough credentials as a proto-metal record to be in this game. (Will easily falter against better metal competition, though)
Kreator - Enemy of God - By default as it's going up against a non-metal album.
Bruce Dickinson - Balls to Picasso - Although overshadowed by his stronger later output, this Bruce solo album is always entertaining to listen to. A large number of solid to great tracks.
Satyricon - The Shadowthrone - A very strong black metal album versus one of the lesser albums by a band that I otherwise really enjoy. Have to go with the enchanting and pulsating work of the former.
I purposefully chose the instrumental number Insanity for the featured track on The Eye because at this point, everyone of us here knows what King Diamond sounds like. What a lot of people don't know about King Diamond is that his solo band has some of the greatest compositions in heavy metal (Burn or Eye of the Witch anyone?) and one of the best guitar players of all time on his side (Andy LaRocque). Insanity has a very nice progressive edge and I hoped that it would provoke interest into people checking out the full album.

The Eye is just a wonderful album in King Diamond's career. Right from that keybaord line in the Eye of the Witch along with that KILLER heavy metal riff, it gets me going. There's a certain je ne sais quoi to the atmosphere on the album. It's ethereal, a little hollow at times (in a good way), weird, and even mystifying. It's a heavy, heavy album. LaRocque's riffs here are just unparalleled. Eye of the Witch and Burn are two of my favorite KD songs ever
What a lot of people don't know about King Diamond is that his solo band has some of the greatest compositions in heavy metal (Burn or Eye of the Witch anyone?) and one of the best guitar players of all time on his side (Andy LaRocque).
LaRocque's riffs here are just unparalleled. Eye of the Witch and Burn are two of my favorite KD songs ever
If you weren't aware now you are. :)
King Diamond firmly defeats Led Zep, but Zep will be back one last time in League 5.
Kreator squeaks it out over Pink Floyd, officially saving the GMAC from farce status. Floyd's gone, and Kreator next sees Vrieg.
Bruce Dickinson crushes Bloodbound in a brutal swing. You probably think Bruce is going deep, but he's up against Iron Maiden next.
Finally Satyricon puts up a good show but loses to Porcupine Tree. The Norwegians are back in League 9.

Bloodbath - Resurrection Through Carnage (2002)

How it got here

List entries: n/a
Maidenfans Nominators: @Night Prowler
League 12 - Match 17vs.

In Flames - Whoracle (1997)

How it got here

List entries: n/a
Maidenfans Nominators: @Black Wizard
Previous Rounds:
League 13: Defeated Gamma Ray - Sigh No More 12-10.

Blind Guardian - A Night at the Opera (2002)

How it got here

List entries: n/a
Maidenfans Nominators: @Spambot
League 12 - Match 18vs.

Amorphis - Tales From the Thousand Lakes (1994)

How it got here

List entries: n/a
Maidenfans Nominators: @Forostar
Previous Rounds:
League 14: Defeated Rhapsody - Symphony of Enchanted Lands 13-5.
League 13: Defeated Negura Bunget - OM 16-6.

Opeth - Watershed (2008)

How it got here

List entries: n/a
Maidenfans Nominators: @The Flash
League 12 - Match 19vs.

Black Sabbath - Tyr (1990)

How it got here

List entries: n/a
Maidenfans Nominators: @Forostar
Previous Rounds:
League 14: Defeated Angra - Rebirth 11-7.
League 13: Defeated Nirvana - Nevermind 15-10.

Toxic Holocaust - Chemistry of Consciousness (2013)

How it got here

List entries: n/a
Maidenfans Nominators: @phantomoftheicarus
League 12 - Match 20vs.

Savatage - Gutter Ballet (1989)

How it got here

List entries: Metalstorm 33
League 15: Defeated Buckethead - Pepper’s Ghost 9-8.
League 14: Defeated Omnium Gatherum - New World Shadows 13-5.
League 13: Defeated Alter Bridge - Walk the Sky 15-9.