GREATEST METAL ALBUM CUP - Winner: Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son!

That's a coincidence, you didn't post on the official Maiden forum about 15 years did you?
Nope. I posted on my own Bruce Dickinson forum about 20-25 years ago, though.

I stumbled upon Silent Whales while looking for new music in 1995 and branching out into different metal genres. I ran into Gamma Ray’s Land Of The Free at that time too, which was my gateway into power metal (and a GMAC nominee as well). Good times.
Divine Wings of Tragedy is the best album here, glad to see it doing well.

Flick of the Switch is just not good. I don't dislike AC/DC, but they really lost it after Back in Black. They had a really good run up until that point, but got really formulaic after. Not that they weren't already pretty formulaic to begin with.

I love Orchid, but it feels like an underdog album to me. It is one of Opeth's weaker releases (even Morningrise is better) and has gone up against two really bad albums. Maybe it has staying power, and I would like to see it go far, but I suspect once it goes up against a real album it's going to get thrashed.
No but I did. Do we know each other lol.

Yeah I remember you anyway:lol:

The reason I said that to jer was there used to be a load of people on the maiden forum who used to introduce music to each other by uploading tracks to a gmail account*, and everyone had a log in and could listen to the tracks people uploaded, I think you might have been involved. Pretty sure thats what introduced me to skyclad

*there wasn't a lot of easy ways for file sharing in those days so maybe it was more than 15 years ago :lol: EDIT: just thinking now that it obviously must have been pre-youtube
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Yeah I remember you anyway:lol:

*there wasn't a lot of easy ways for file sharing in those days so maybe it was more than 15 years ago :lol:
I miss the Ed smileys the most (the munch one!)
And peeps like The Stranger, SirSpamalot, Oozily, Arrakis,... :cool:
Divine Wings of Tragedy is the best album here, glad to see it doing well.

Flick of the Switch is just not good. I don't dislike AC/DC, but they really lost it after Back in Black. They had a really good run up until that point, but got really formulaic after. Not that they weren't already pretty formulaic to begin with.

I love Orchid, but it feels like an underdog album to me. It is one of Opeth's weaker releases (even Morningrise is better) and has gone up against two really bad albums. Maybe it has staying power, and I would like to see it go far, but I suspect once it goes up against a real album it's going to get thrashed.

Listening to Divine Wings again as we speak. It is really good.

From reading this forum for years, I’d say anything by AC/DC is an underdog to anything by Opeth, but that comes from someone not real familar with Opeth’s overall discography, and who knows AC/DC inside out. To the latter, Flick of the Switch is underrated, although the lack of a producer pushing them shows.
I could not in good faith vote in the Rammstein/Nirvana matchup. In my humble opinion, those names should never be brought up when discussing "good" or "passable" rock and metal music, much less when discussing the greatest metal albums of all time. I'll save some of my more harsher words regarding them for a later time, but I think both bands are unlistenable.
I'll save some of my more harsher words regarding them for a later time, but I think both bands are unlistenable.
That seems like a bummer. Why not tell us about an album you like instead?

Listening to Divine Wings again as we speak. It is really good.

From reading this forum for years, I’d say anything by AC/DC is an underdog to anything by Opeth, but that comes from someone not real familar with Opeth’s overall discography, and who knows AC/DC inside out. To the latter, Flick of the Switch is underrated, although the lack of a producer pushing them shows.
Opeth has a home field advantage on Maidenfans for sure, which is certainly going to allow Orchid to go farther than it would otherwise (worth noting also that it was only nominated by one person and doesn’t appear on any of the greatest album lists in that LC used to curate this game). That said, it’s widely considered one of their weaker albums and I could totally see a better AC/DC album being competitive against it. I would probably vote for Highway to Hell over it, for example.

I do like seeing these oddball nominations and matchups in this game though. Where else are you going to compare Opeth and AC/DC?
Obviously going to vote for my own nominee over Goth Elvis for reasons previously discussed. Winner: Skyclad

This AC/DC album isn’t on the same level as their better work. Most of it is enjoyable for what it is, but I don’t hear a real standout song in the bunch. Opeth has consistently cool music, but the extreme vocals are really terrible, pretty much on the worst end of that spectrum for me. Thankfully they’re pretty rare, and even absent on a few tracks. On balance I guess the creme brûlée topped with shit beats out the year-old Tootsie Roll. Sorry, @FTB, but I have to go with @Forostar ’s choice here. Winner: Opeth

Not really a fan of either the Rammstein album or the Nirvana album, and I have no idea what the Rammstein lyrics mean because I don’t speak German, but on the whole I would rather listen to the industrial stylings of Rammstein than the whiny grunge of Nirvana. Sorry, @Ariana, but I’m going with @Spambot ’s choice here. Winner: Rammstein

Hadn’t spent much time with Symphony X before, and I mostly liked what I heard — proggy Yngwie worship with more of a power metal bent. The production has a bit of a low rent feel to it, but the album’s strong enough to merit more of my attention. The Accept album is fine. Workmanlike. Nothing more and nothing less. Sorry, @Kalata, but @Lampwick 43 ‘s choice is more interesting here. Winner: Symphony X
I have no idea what the Rammstein lyrics mean because I don’t speak German
Mostly about sex and sexual acts, although that album also dips into hunting, the bond of the band members, and a duel.
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@Jer here’s a handy little guide for you. I may do this for the other Rammstein albums down the line, if you like.

Track 1: „Rammlied” (“Rammsong”) — Rammstein have a series of songs that uses their name as the motif (see: „Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen?“, „Rammstein”, and „Ramm4”). It’s mostly just supposed to be a punchy opener and a “welcome back” message after four years of no music. Basically a “good things come to those who wait” type thing.

Track 2: „Ich tu dir weh” (“I Hurt You”) — Yeah, just like the title says, it’s about hurting someone, and in a very creepy, most likely sexual, domineering sort of way. Typical Rammstein.

Track 3: „Waidmanns Heil” (“Huntsman’s Salute”) — This one’s about hunting. I’ve seen some speculation that it’s a metaphor for sexual predators (or teens who just wanna get their rocks off), and honestly that seems up their alley.

Track 4: „Haifisch” (“Shark”) — This is about the band, how close they are and how they’ll always stick by each other’s sides, even when the world wants to label them as Nazis simply for being German and playing metal. The chorus lyrics are great (“And the shark has tears, and they fall from his face / But the shark lives in water, so no one sees his tears”).

Track 5: „B********” — The title stands for “Bückstabü”, which the band literally just made up. It’s intentionally left up to the listener’s interpretation, but with the context of the song it’s about things that can be harmful when there’s no limit, like addiction.

Track 6: „Frühling in Paris” (“Springtime in Paris”) — The narrator remembers a girl he used to love in Paris.

Track 7: „Wiener Blut” (“Viennese Blood”) — No it’s not about hot dogs, but it is a double meaning since “wiener” in English can mean penis, and the song is about the Fritzl case, where a father kept his daughter locked up for 24 years and assaulted her.

Track 8: „Pussy” — Literally just about tourism and genitalia. Probably their dumbest song (but it’s catchy).

Track 9: „Liebe ist für alle da” (“Love Is There For Everyone“) — ;tldr it’s about fucking people.

Track 10: „Mehr” (“More”) — It’s about wanting more, and taking from those who have even less than you because of your greed.

Track 11: „Roter Sand” (“Red Sand”) — It’s about a duel between two men vying for a woman. The song is written from the perspective of the man the woman loves, who’s the loser and ended up dying, turning the sand red with his blood.

As you can tell, Rammstein love their sexual shit. A lot of times they’ll come up with some really witty wordplay that makes it all work. Other times they can write some outright stupid shit. But I do love their powerful music and when they’re on, they’re on. Unfortunately this album is their weakest IMO, but if you liked this one then I hope you’ll enjoy Mutter and Reise, Reise, which I submitted.

EDIT: Lemme rephrase. If you thought this was at least interesting, then hopefully you’ll enjoy the two I submitted.
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Opeth is so good. The combination of power, drama and melody is unmatched by few bands outside Maiden and the depth of creativity and craftsmanship is first-rate. Really one of the only bands to ever force me to overlook my distaste for extreme singing.
Yes sir. Exactly. Their debut does evoke this. And has this combination of ingredients. You're not really going to find this kind of melodic strength on other Opeth albums in this game. Different guitar style.
I love Orchid, but it feels like an underdog album to me. It is one of Opeth's weaker releases (even Morningrise is better) and has gone up against two really bad albums. Maybe it has staying power, and I would like to see it go far, but I suspect once it goes up against a real album it's going to get thrashed.
Not sure about that. This music has the combination Mckindog described so well. Add: Their style here is not far from Maiden with intricate guitar playing, captivating melodies and solos, sudden changes and songs of atmospheric and epic proportions. This is still an Iron Maiden fan forum on which the average listener is not against such qualities. I may hope for too much but I'm more positive about it. We'll see, naturally it also depends on the route through this game.
That seems like a bummer. Why not tell us about an album you like instead?

Opeth has a home field advantage on Maidenfans for sure, which is certainly going to allow Orchid to go farther than it would otherwise (worth noting also that it was only nominated by one person and doesn’t appear on any of the greatest album lists in that LC used to curate this game). That said, it’s widely considered one of their weaker albums and I could totally see a better AC/DC album being competitive against it. I would probably vote for Highway to Hell over it, for example.

I do like seeing these oddball nominations and matchups in this game though. Where else are you going to compare Opeth and AC/DC?
Not counting that much on the support of Opeth fans, some of them have disdain for the Opeth debut, and keep putting it down, not appreciating its own qualities.
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We'll see, naturally it also depends on the route through this game.
That’s the key. There are some juggernaut albums and also some really weak ones that have gotten lucky. Orchid could get really far with the right draw.
Not counting that much on the support of Opeth fans, some of them have disdain for the Opeth debut, and keep putting it down, not appreciating its own qualities.

Orchid has a wonderful charm to it and I have come to love it more than a lot of the discography, including Morningrise and all of the new era albums save for Pale Communion. It’s only downfall for me is that it demands (and creates) a certain atmosphere. I can put on Blackwater Park or Ghost Reveries literally any time (in fall or winter lol) but Orchid is a rare treat.