GAMES DISCUSSION - submissions welcome!

Opeth referendum?

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I'm visiting the forum very sporadically lately, but I'll do my best, 'cause I really like the band. Though Ring Ring might put me off again (like those early Porcupine albums put me off in the Steve Wilson survivor)
I’ll try to have it spaced out so that you can at least get some sort of part in it. :)

Also, Ring Ring is actually pretty cool. It’s Waterloo that’ll be the issue. :P
In any way, it's Visitors that's the hidden gem. Also, those really primitive, but effective arpeggiated synth embellishments near the end of Lay All Your Love on Me. Almost made me think of Jordan near the end of The Count of Tuscany. Almost...

...nah, not really.
In any way, it's Visitors that's the hidden gem.
Yeah, Visitors is one of my favorite albums ever. It’s a sadder version of the band that managed to hone their craft for one of the most emotional rides in music history.

ABBA: The Album is pretty damn good too.
Just for the record - the only two really interesting survivors IMHO were the Dream Theater and Opeth (and, well, probably Maiden too) ones, mainly because everyone seemed to get into some pretty insightful (and loooong) analyses... actually I return to those threads when I replay the bands' output. Don't see myself going through any of the other threads. I don't know whether any other band qualifies and whether it's even possible to do so, but that was something special.
I do my best to discuss stuff in the survivors I participate in, but I’m just a single soldier and it takes an entire army to win a war...
Yeah, it's mainly that the whole community (me included) seems to be predisposed somehow... It's not your fault.

Funny, I mentioned Lay All Your Love on Me - now I'm blasting Opeth's The Moor and I realised that it reminds me of the former at times... Strange...
Well, I actually had never played a survivor before Ghost (except for the Maiden albums head to head), so I'm still fairly new to these games and I'm still trying to situate myself. However, while not exactly kick-starting discussions, I try my best to keep already started ones flowing.
Again, it was not meant to be a put down in any shape or form. It's just ... I just went through the DT Survivor thread and noticed that amazing sequence when we were listening to FII - the fact we all spammed the thread with posts spanning 2-4 laptop screens each and I was part of it makes me feel proud and nostalgic...

...or autistic, if you want to look at it that way.
Just for the record - the only two really interesting survivors IMHO were the Dream Theater and Opeth (and, well, probably Maiden too) ones, mainly because everyone seemed to get into some pretty insightful (and loooong) analyses... actually I return to those threads when I replay the bands' output. Don't see myself going through any of the other threads. I don't know whether any other band qualifies and whether it's even possible to do so, but that was something special.