Ancient Mariner
Re: Forostar's Top 50 Iron Maiden songs
If I read this well, you regard Remember Tomorrow as the debut album's one but best track, but still you've put it at place 88? Hmm, interesting. I like this album too much to make such a move myself.
Ah, I see where you are coming from. You are an "Iron Maiden-with-Bruce-except-for-the-early-nineties"- fan (especially) and have ranked all non-Bruce albums together with the early 90s albums as the least good ones in the catalogue:
1-9 -> With Bruce in 1980s + 2000-2010
10-15 -> 1990s + Di'Anno:
10. The X Factor 7,2
11. Killers 7,1
11. Virtual XI 7,1
13. Fear of the Dark 7,0
14. Iron Maiden 6,9
15. No Prayer for the Dying 6,1
If you like this phrase better: You are an "Iron Maiden-with-Adrian-Smith"-fan (especially). Apart from Killers, all albums with Smith are in your opinion the best ones.
No. 45 - Flight of Icarus
(Smith/Dickinson, 1983 -> on stage-status: last time in 1986)
I really like the build-up of Flight of Icarus. Every part is very good. Not in the least because of Bruce who drags me along. The solos are very nice. This was one of the songs in which I realized for the first time that a main songwriter doesn't need to do the most soling. It's really Dave doing the business. However, Adrian's solo is at least as much a pleasure to the ears.
mckindog said:Took me years to get it, but one of the better songs on the album.
Love the atmosphere and the dynamics of the composition.
Along with Phantom it's one of two debut tracks that really showed what the band might be capable of.
Where I differ from you is I don't think this one elevates to the special level.
And while I like Paul's voice on it, seeing Bruce perform the song showed me how good it could have been.
88th overall for me. Like Childhood, it could easily move up 20 places.
...and Steve Harris could play the lute. Wearing a big floppy hat with a feather in it. And pantaloons.
If I read this well, you regard Remember Tomorrow as the debut album's one but best track, but still you've put it at place 88? Hmm, interesting. I like this album too much to make such a move myself.
Ah, I see where you are coming from. You are an "Iron Maiden-with-Bruce-except-for-the-early-nineties"- fan (especially) and have ranked all non-Bruce albums together with the early 90s albums as the least good ones in the catalogue:
1-9 -> With Bruce in 1980s + 2000-2010
10-15 -> 1990s + Di'Anno:
10. The X Factor 7,2
11. Killers 7,1
11. Virtual XI 7,1
13. Fear of the Dark 7,0
14. Iron Maiden 6,9
15. No Prayer for the Dying 6,1
If you like this phrase better: You are an "Iron Maiden-with-Adrian-Smith"-fan (especially). Apart from Killers, all albums with Smith are in your opinion the best ones.

No. 45 - Flight of Icarus
(Smith/Dickinson, 1983 -> on stage-status: last time in 1986)
I really like the build-up of Flight of Icarus. Every part is very good. Not in the least because of Bruce who drags me along. The solos are very nice. This was one of the songs in which I realized for the first time that a main songwriter doesn't need to do the most soling. It's really Dave doing the business. However, Adrian's solo is at least as much a pleasure to the ears.