Five years later: The Final Frontier revisited

Five years later, what do you think of the Final Frontier

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I wish "Mother of Mercy" had a better chorus (one that would have been "singable" more than once, in the studio). This song has the best beginning Maiden had released for a long time.
Chorus in Mother of Mercy was... dunno. It was like - great beginning, great lyrics and performance from band and then chorus that was totally out of blue for me.
Okay then.

Satellite/TFF I think Satellite does work, it's a nice idea for effect, when you've got the chance to sit down and listen to the full thing. The problem is, if you just want to get stuck into a more conventional song, it drags. TFF itself is a neat, fun little one, fairly typical of a Maiden post-reunion opener. I have to admit I'm a sucker for the Eddie alien video, too.

El Dorado It's the obvious attention-grabbing single, much as I think Speed of Light will turn out to be in the long term.

Mother of Mercy I very much like it apart from Bruce sounding a touch strained in the chorus. Great buildup in the beginning. I always feel this song has more in common with AMOLAD than TFF.

Coming Home Sorry, still the one I roll my eyes at, although it's actually a good song. Can almost picture Bruce going: "Hey, look I got references to aviation into a song!"

The Alchemist I like this one, not least for such an unusual and well researched choice of subject matter. Very thoughtful.

Isle of Avalon The the most oft-skipped one for me, the music itself doesn't grab me.

Starblind Exceptionally insightful and has a journeylike quality about it (although not as much as Talisman). It's songs like Starblind that make me realise how Maiden have matured, particularly where the lyrics are concerned.

The Talisman Talisman is firmly in my Maiden top ten. The atmosphere, energy and general effect are incredible, the music adds an almost visual aspect to the tale telling. This one example where Bruce sounding like he's battling to be heard over the band really works.

The Man Who Would Be King The last TFF track to grow on me, I'm a latecomer to this one. Once it gets going it's decent.

When The Wild Wind Blows Initially found this one a bit miserable, not least because it has a soft beginning and sombre ending and is the last track on what some speculated would be the final Iron Maiden album. It seemed an understated way to bow out. Love the middle section as the characters are caught up in the powerful momentum of what (they believe) is going on around them.
I'm not mad about the first half of the album. El Dorado is bobbins, and The Alchemist doesn't do much for me either. But from Isle of Avalon it really gets going. I love Wild Wind Blows; the only song where I've shed tears at a concert. And The Man Who Would Be King might be the best song on the album. Seriously underrated IMO. However the average first half means it balances out into the most underwhelming of the 'reunion' era albums for me.
I think he means he doesn't like it, given that it's followed with and The Alchemist doesn't do much for me either.
I recently played El Vivo and El Dorado is the one I enjoy the most! On headphones it's really cool as well.
Yeh, I don't really understand what's not to like about El Dorado. It's heavy but the guitar work is decent & it has some pretty sharp attitude-filed almost FotD-esque like lyrics. I really like it. I could understand criticism of it perhaps being a little on the long side, but other than that...
Yeh, I don't really understand what's not to like about El Dorado. It's heavy but the guitar work is decent & it has some pretty sharp attitude-filed almost FotD-esque like lyrics. I really like it. I could understand criticism of it perhaps being a little on the long side, but other than that...

I really like it as well. I think that up right after the solos it is pretty good. The song reboot after that point is a bit too much but still the main riff makes up for it.
Fair enough. It does nothing for me... an uninspired main riff and really poor production. It was the most disappointed I've ever been by a lead-off single...
Fair enough. It does nothing for me... an uninspired main riff and really poor production. It was the most disappointed I've ever been by a lead-off single...

Well, I tend to disagree but let's not waste our time on arguing **cough the wickerman, different world cough** ;)
Personally, Holy Smoke is the worst lead-off single.

Yeah, I really still dig El Dorado. It's not a complex song, but it sounds heavy as fuck and it has a great singalong chorus.
I've been spinning this album a lot lately while looking forward to the new one and I still like it a great deal. It is, however, a bit uneven to me.

Satellite 15 - I still think this was a cool idea that could have been made awesome had they shortened it up a bit. I actually like the fake drums and off kilter nature of it - really gives off a 'lost in space' vibe.

The Final Frontier - I'm still surprised at how simple this song is. I suck at guitar and literally could play the riff within minutes of hearing it. It's a bit too simple for my taste. The chorus is good though and I love the leads.

El Dorado - I still don't quite understand why folks hated this one so much. Great galloping riff and clever lyrics. I do wish the chorus wasn't so high and honestly they could have chopped off a minute of the intro and outro and not lost anything, but I think it's a great rocker.

Mother of Mercy - I dislike this song greatly for a few reasons. Primarily it doesn't fit thematically with the album feeling like a leftover from AMOLAD. But the lyrics and Bruce's performance on here are the most troubling. Rhyming of with of (I'll die a lonely death of that I'm certain of) has to be one one of the worst lyrics I've seen them do. I almost immediately dislike, on principle, any song that rhymes fire with desire and that's here too. Musically this would have been improved if it was sped up a bit for my taste.

Coming Home - Decent ballad. Don't love it or anything but it's good. Still think Out of the Shadows is better.

The Alchemist - My only complaint here is that the lyrics are a bit too wordy. There's no room for the music to breathe. Otherwise I think it's a fine track.

Isle of Avalon - Stunningly awesome song.

Starblind - Great, great song here too. Total classic Maiden.

The Talisman - Definitely my favorite song here even with the recycled intro (I think it works here though). Awesome once it gets going with an infectious melody.

The Man Who Would Be King - I love the music here, especially the outro which reminds me of the sublime ending to The Prophecy (not coincidentally also a Dave song) but the lyrics don't sound focused here - almost like they were written on the spot or something which lets it down a bit.

When the Wild Wind Blows - This one took awhile to grow on me as it's very stock post BNW Harris but I do like it. No chorus which is different - it's long but doesn't feel long. Good song.
Worst lead-off single was "The Angel and the Gambler". Whatever you think of the song's quality, it's by far the strangest choice of a single in the Maiden history.