Okay then.
Satellite/TFF I think Satellite does work, it's a nice idea for effect, when you've got the chance to sit down and listen to the full thing. The problem is, if you just want to get stuck into a more conventional song, it drags. TFF itself is a neat, fun little one, fairly typical of a Maiden post-reunion opener. I have to admit I'm a sucker for the Eddie alien video, too.
El Dorado It's the obvious attention-grabbing single, much as I think Speed of Light will turn out to be in the long term.
Mother of Mercy I very much like it apart from Bruce sounding a touch strained in the chorus. Great buildup in the beginning. I always feel this song has more in common with AMOLAD than TFF.
Coming Home Sorry, still the one I roll my eyes at, although it's actually a good song. Can almost picture Bruce going: "Hey, look I got references to aviation into a song!"
The Alchemist I like this one, not least for such an unusual and well researched choice of subject matter. Very thoughtful.
Isle of Avalon The the most oft-skipped one for me, the music itself doesn't grab me.
Starblind Exceptionally insightful and has a journeylike quality about it (although not as much as Talisman). It's songs like Starblind that make me realise how Maiden have matured, particularly where the lyrics are concerned.
The Talisman Talisman is firmly in my Maiden top ten. The atmosphere, energy and general effect are incredible, the music adds an almost visual aspect to the tale telling. This one example where Bruce sounding like he's battling to be heard over the band really works.
The Man Who Would Be King The last TFF track to grow on me, I'm a latecomer to this one. Once it gets going it's decent.
When The Wild Wind Blows Initially found this one a bit miserable, not least because it has a soft beginning and sombre ending and is the last track on what some speculated would be the final Iron Maiden album. It seemed an understated way to bow out. Love the middle section as the characters are caught up in the powerful momentum of what (they believe) is going on around them.